{INTRO : This is an imaginative piece, looking at different aspects. It's written in the form of a letter.}
The Blue Planet
12345П Light years
Milky Way galaxy
Towards the Sun – Near Venus
Hello Humans,
My name is “Alien Phattu Tingu”. I live on a planet which you are yet to find or should I say, might never be able to find. I am writing this letter today because I was feeling bored and wanted to ask you a few things too. My parents (yes, we reproduce too!) warned me against you before this. But they didn’t tell me the reason. Are you really that dangerous? Well, even if you are, what do I care?
Yes, coming to the questions. First of all, who the F*** told you we look like creatures made out of Shit? I vomited after watching ET. I mean why you always think that it’s you who are smart and rests are dumb? You make us look like superconductors, with a light glowing from weird parts of our body, as shown by you.
Second question, supposed to be first, but I was angry so I asked that first. Why you think that we will land up on your tiny winy home called “Earth”? Ok even if we happen to be there, why would we destroy it? Every time we come, run around like mad bunch of hounds and destroy you! HELLO…we have our own planet for God’s sake. And always when we are shown as friends, we have special powers. So you could benefit from them.
Third question, There are 100s of places & 1000s of species still undiscovered on your planet. Why waste time sending some stupid machines in the space trying to find us? Use that little amount of knowledge to uncover your own planet first. And after you do that I am sure your greed to find more will be satisfied. Try it!
It was almost perfect until it was “Global warming”, now it’s become Universal. Stop sending some needles which fart and pollute the space! You’re not going to find us. Bloody an Osama is still missing and you want to meet us?
Time for some universal facts. The numbers go beyond 2012. It’s not the end of number line or your planet. You’ll die, don’t worry. But not so soon.
Waiting for your positive reply in eagerness (no, that’s not the name of our planet).
Never to be yours
A letter from the unknown...
Ron Parker | 8:35 pm | alien, earth, letter, planet, Shariq, universal | 3 comments
rail-WAYS to earn...
Guru | 8:13 pm | Indian railways, picnic, shit | 3 comments
Good evening world.........
First of all sorry to all the followers for not being regular this week....... Finally its thursday and its my turn....... It was an interesting week, we had picnic and lot of other activities in the school, But I'll not write about picnic, may be someone else might......
This incidnt struck my mind today, Once i was standing at my village's entrance. A railway crossing gate, and as expected, a train passed(koooo shuk shuk shuk shuk.....), But i noticed a special thing in it. A lady was sitting on the edge of the door"Sitting and Shitting" lol. Maybe some emergency but that was really funny......
Well, throughout the week I was thinking that past 2 years our world suffered the worst recession of the century(Burj dubai becoming khalifa as a result!)..... But still our railways or the great INDIAN RAILWAYS was in profit....how? Only Lalu knows how.. Its never easy to travel via Indian railways.

This was it from my side............tata
Guys...wake up!
Ron Parker | 7:31 pm | | 0 comments
When I noticed that none of my friends were very eager to write a post in the last 2 days...which shld't have been the case...so I decided to chip in.
Day before yesterday was 26th january, a day on which the word 'republic' was used atleast a billion times in around 25 languages around the world. Yes, the indians finally knew on 26th jan 1950 that rules are not meant to be broken. The law students got a whole lot of bunch to study about and it became all the more difficult to become a judge. The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution for a country, containing 444 articles, 12 schedules, numerous amendments and 117,369 words. The world thought these guys are serious!
But as they say, saying is easier than doing. It took a lot of time to implement it. It's still not completely implemented after around 61 years! You can still murder anyone and roam about freely on the roads saying,"I'm on a bail." The Aarushis,Jessikas and Ruchikas are still not safe. But the worst scenario is among the politicians, they do all the crimes, they rule the country, and worst of all, they can amend the constituion as well!
As an Indian, I can proudly say we are on the right track...but there seem to be too many stations along. It shouldn't have taken so much of time to reach where we are. Fights about religion, caste, states, etc. are the little speed breakers along the path.
Anyways it's time for me to go to school, so I will be taking a leave in hope of an early update over here.
- RJ Pareek
The Legendary Egypt!
Shawrix | 2:27 am | Egypt, khafre, mummies, pyramids, Saifu, scorpion kings, sphinx | 2 comments
Em hotep Folks!
So i wanted to write about pirates and egypt this week but..the post was being too lenghty :(. So i divided them into two!...this being the first part...pirates being the second.
Egyptian people! Ahh! Those horny people! Just love themmm! Ahem sorry...i got carried away..So..
These people were so jobless!I mean who would built these big pyramids after the death of their king!
Just imagine!
Akhtathan:(Random name)Oh our king is dead!
Puthkhaokhao:Lets make a pyramid in his memory!
Akhtathan: YES!
Puthkhaokhao: ZEs I deed eet!! the pyramid is finished!Lets put this king also inside that pyramid,he still scares me dude!
Akhtathan: Okay dude,chill out!
Maybe they made those pyramids because they were scared of pirates?! haha..pirates??..huh what.. where?..i mean the desert pirates!..ridin camels..sayin..Arghhh..aye be very thirsty! Arghh!so...thats why they kept the king in the pyramids!(now you got it!)I just dont get one thing!! They build so big pyramids..and they just put the one single king in there..and built another pyramid for another king who dies! Wow! that must have been alot of work!Why cant you just put all the kings in one pyramid!...haha..there must have been a intelligent egyptian..who would have said that hes done with making pyramids!
An Intelligent Egyptian: AH WHAT THE ...i dont care! go to hell! i am done with making pyramids..just leave me alone! Dammnit!
Hmm..They even had weird names...Khafra! Dont Smile! Khafra was really a king of egypt.!He had so many children(bored people). Oh my god! And those poor little children also had weird names! I pity them! Akhre...was one of his son's name(these guys never learned from their mistakes)!
Sphinx was also made by Khafre..half-man..half-cat..no wonder he loved cats! Egyptians loved cats! Oh i forgot to tell you guys! These guys loved cats so much...even though cats did'nt survive in that desert!
But they were really really hardworking people!The kings were also very harsh(no i am not talking about the scorpion king)..they were like..
King: Hmmm..okay i am the king from today! hahahaha! *cough*
Followers: What should we do your majesty?...
King: Make a pyramid..what else?...duh!
Followers: (Talking to themselves)@#!#..like we have nothing else to do!..
King: Go get to work! I have alot of work too...i gotta take a bath!
*Sigh*...i am scared of these egyptian kings..what if they come in my dreams and make me build a pyramid for not respecting them!
Ahh nevermind..ill take care of them...and so do you! :)
Disclamer:This post is just based on the past events that occured.This post is no way related to the present..(i love all egyptians!:))
-Saifu (Trying to understand egyptian kings)
Tale of Pirates! Arghh!
Shawrix | 2:03 am | | 2 comments
Ahoy pirates!
Hehe.. i know you all are not pirates, but i am feelin very piratey today! I just wanted to write about my imagination about these pirates who used to loot the ships and speak like they have'nt eaten for days..Drinking rum all the time and drinking sea water full of salt....getting the ships to run..firin the big fiery cannons..fighting with swords..wearing eye patches..sailin the ship through wild storms..fighting sea monsters! Adventurous isnt it?! Hell yea it is! I wish i was present when their used to be real pirates..Hey that reminds me of pirates of the carribean! Arghh!!Arghhh!Aye Aye captain!Arghh! I wonder what makes them talk like that..They used to plunder alot of ships..and the money, treasure they used to plunder was called 'booty'! Lol...now i know where the phrase 'shake your booty' came from! I just love to think about the people of the old age!They were totally bored people!
This is the theorem which proves that they were really desperate to do anything to kill boredom!
1.Make a ship
2.Sail it with 20-30 other fools
3.Fight with other ships..
4.Win..get some money..Lose get ready to swim
1x2x3x4=Killing time!
humph..bored people for sure!
Pirates were awesome people...they were like just partyin all the freakin time! In their leisure time they used to have a bottle o rum! Drinking allll the time....humph...i wonder how they fought sea battles..while they were drunk...Arghi arghiiiii Avast matey!...this bee da worsst baatle!
-Saifu (still trying to understand the language of pirates)
Diary Entry from the soul...
Ron Parker | 11:33 am | | 5 comments
Kicking off the week, as friday has been forced upon me as a holiday. I'll take it anywayz.
I thought of writing a diary entry, and if I didn't post it the way I am, the feel of diary writing would be missing. So here it is --
Introduction : This is how my soul...or spirit talks to me...when I am alone...so these lines are what my soul says...at different times of day when no one's near...My friends know...sometimes I am lost in something else...tht's when the other rajesh is talking to this one.
You might have to click on the images to read...:)
Guru | 12:13 am | 123., ABC, mother, notorious | 3 comments
I'm back.... well its been long since i have written a post but was never away from coz i was having some small roles here and there.........but at last i'm writing my own post where i'm in major role.....Yes...
My tuition started even before my kindergarten!!!!!Not because I was week in studies but coz I was too smart to handle and the most notorious in the whole family……haha and I’m still not changed!!!!!
Because of my notoriousness my mother thought about sending me to a tuition…..Not because I can learn something over there but because with me being out of the house she can do some housework or kitchen work…….And she found one strict lady teacher in our neighbourhood……
The very first day that I went to the tuition I learned A, B, C, although I already knew a bit of it but she taught me fully….and then told me to write it in my notebook…..But then came the twist…
I started writing it in my notebook but after sometime she went into the kitchen and I started looking here and there and noticed a beautiful mattress which was looking very new and my clever mind got a great idea……..I started writing on the mattress and wrote the whole A, B, C. with very large fonts and i was very happy becoz I wrote the whole A, B, C for the first time…HOORAY……When she came, she saw my notebook and said its not full!!!!! And I just pointed at her mattress and said “rest is there”……….
She got angry like a pressure cooker building up pressure…And then what happened was a history……I came back home in just under an hour with eyes about to erupt like lava…..
When this idea failed my mother thought about sending me to a small school (it wasn’t a school it was just a small class run by two teachers. They use to teach about manners and other small things).I went there for a long time about 1 month,it was very long for me but this time their were completely different complaints about me. I was the most silent boy in the class, who was just sitting all day and was watching the teachers teaching and doing other activities and that’s it….It was a plan to get kicked for not doing anything......HAHA...
But between this period my mother was also teaching me,not A,B,C this time but 1,2,3....She used to say that repeat what i 'say'....She'll say 1.I'll say 1,She'll say 2 I'll say 2,She'll say 3 but I'll say 4 and then she'll not say anything but will give 1 slap "THADD" and my eyes will turn again into a erupted lava......but i never learned 3 until i joined school.......lol
Hope i didn't waste your time.....but that's it for now.. I am signing off........
yusuf khan | 12:09 am | | 3 comments
Yah.. I'm broke these days! (ok yes Iam)
Seems like the world crises have struck me the most.. last year had extracted a lot 4m us (WE SIX)
I really do feel we have spent most of our money amongst us, especially me and shariq! we spent a lot on each other. so now that i have realized, lets engage ourselves in some moneyraising schemes.
lets start saving for a backpacking trip around Dubai (oh?? again??) yes we keep doing it!! do it like a pros. Now, before we get our moralistic high horse,lets all acknowledge that life is all about applying the skills we acquire in class in the real world; and this most certainly qualifies as putting our skills to the test. so now that our conscience is clear; get ourselves a sufficiently sturdy table that can hold a handmade money ballot and a board that states our blatant plea for our savings in the name of our well-intentions!!
MY tricks of the TRADE:
* Practice my best "puppy face" meets I'm a poor student whose materialistic greed is the basis of my appeal' impression and don't hesitate to use it to my advantage. (well i do use it while playing basketball!! my friends know it better!)
*If im really looking to spread a word, then i make some flyers or better still, inform the school gossip group about it and there it is im good to go!
* Take a photo of my enemy and pin it to my board under the title "Mighty enemy of the week" like this one on the right!! lol..>>>>
* "when life hands you lemons, make some lemonade" so make some!! Give out a free glass of lemonade to every teacher! just to earn some julu along with some marks!! haha..
Over-evaluate my life's goals and accomplishments and fret over not having made my first million yet. wake up sweating in the middle of the night, sit down to write a long list of things i must accomplish before my 30 and then write a mass BLOG POST doused with philosophical tangents for all you people to read with the title "What is my purpose?" At the end of the month, burn the list and throw a mad party celebrating the end of my crisis..
And ya sorry to all!! I was away for long..
From nowise one of us will write a post every day.. that means we are taking terns..
six days, six guys, six posts! Friday will be off!
Never press to Impress...:(
Mustafa Khan | 9:19 am | blogging, impress, shirt, teacher, think | 3 comments
Hey guys its been a long time since my last post, busy .. school projects ... i juz wish tht god does not makes me a teacher, especially a maths teacher, cause if tht happens, im gone drive the students out of themselves!!.. ok leave tht all
This is the wierdest thing tht happened to me .
My Father and I went out shopping juz for fun.. and he bought a gud shirt fo himself... i think it was(yes ..was, the shirt's dead now) the only shirt in the whole world which he loved, i thought this as my oppurtutnity to increase my allowances. As soon we reached our car, i started flattering my daddy, i said wow dad wht a shirt, juz lookout for the color, the design, the cloth quality, etc, etc and i went on blabbering until we reached home. The next day came up, my father(in hurry) getting ready for work" Mustafa, get me my new shirt" I jumped frm my bed, ran to the wardrobe and took it out.
An idea(as the one above) creeped in my mind, i thought, why not iron this shirt and impress dad.. haha! more allowances...i shouted to daddy, im gone iron this shirt. I started ironing it,(lemme tell u i haave this wierd habit of doin two things at one time and most of the time thinking is one of those two things,.. I think, think, think and think. I think im gonna be aristolte the thinker!!), so i started thinkin bout blogging while ironin..

Sharp pencil + Jealousy = Butty Natasha!
Shawrix | 9:45 pm | butty, drawing, natasha, nickname, pencil, Saifu | 4 comments
Heyyy peepz!
Ahh! Been a killer week for me....Had been writing projects all weeeek! Projects just bug me alot,cause i am not fond of
writing 10 pages in one night...!
Hmmm...so about 1 week ago i told my childhood nickname to my friends! It was a great confession to make because my nick name was a very weird one!It was not an accident or kept just like that, but my sister kept that nickname because i was very very naughty when i was very small! My friend 'Hafsa'(lazy18..lazy just by name..always excited to eat chocolates & read our blog) actually asked me why I change my nick on blog so many times? So
I decided to write about one of my nicks that I had!
FLASHBACK! (Horror music)
So when i was 5-6 years i sucked at drawing...just could'nt draw anything... i used to start drawing and end up making a kingdom of ants!.....But my 'creative' sister was very good at it.
I used to sit beside her to learn something from her...But slowly I started getting jealous! HAHA! I tried tried tried....to draw like her but just could'nt!(try try try till you dont succeed is a lie) SOOO! I planned a conspiracy on her...hahahaha *evil laugh*.....One evening she was
drawing random things as usual and i was trying to copy her drawing as 'usual'....So a plan struck my evil mind...I took
a blunt pencil and started sharpening it with devilish eyes and grinning evily!....As it was sharp I checked its sharpness,
Ouch!It was sharp alright!...Then quietly I went to her and poked her with the Sharp pencil!..haha!...Guess what happened next,
she complained to mom about me...and I was held responsible....all evidences and witnesses were against me..and I sensed trouble comin my way(hands up!)!...From that day my sister
started calling me ''Butty Natasha''....I dunno where the heck that came from! But it was one hell of a nickname!
But that nick name had a very short life :(!But its still in my memory as new as it was that time!)
I aint that naughty and devilish anymore with my sister!...Because i gave up drawing?
.........Nah! .....she gave up drawing!
Hehe!But natasha sounds like a girl's name right(like Duh!)? I think natasha means naughty or something linked to it! But it does sound like a very fat girl who always bullies small little wittle children...
When i told this to my friends they were like ''ahaann 'natashaaaa'.''!
I .. heard somewhere that you feel better when you confess something...so wanted to tell you guys about my nickname!
It was a top secret nickname..still in the Fbi records!Shhh dont tell them i told this to you guys!
-Saifu(couldnt keep his childhood nickname a secret)
Clever Shifters...call...800shifting!
Ron Parker | 7:18 pm | aamir khan, fun, guru, jamal, lift, Shifting | 3 comments
A painful Hi to all,
why painful?...have just transformed back to a homo sapien...from a donkey...my couzin brother shifted in a building just next to his previous so was helping him...
Had to shift all the material from toothbrush to bed on these young shoulders...in and out...all day long...
Today, Gurpreet dropped down to complete bio record book from me...but surprise...I indulged him in the same work!...and it was a lot of fun! Second floor to ground and then to third...people staring at us like we were shooting "OYE LUCKY LUCKY OYE!"...Tv, refrigerator, microwave...
The building to which my bro shifted is weird...honestly...last night when i was shifting...this maintenance guy was sleeping under the stairs near the lift...and he blabbers while sleeping...and people who are new, waiting for the lift, suddenly start searching for a toilet...tht's scary!...coz u can't see him sleeping and u dunno whether thre's space below the stairs...then the lift...I thought they developed it before the number line was discovered coz the lift was numbered...like
0,-1,1,2...etc..WTF?...then the building is exceptionally long from one of the sides and not so from the other...this conformed me tht the developers were really WEAK in mathematics...The funniest thing was...the watchman's room on the entrance...it said...Mr JAMAL - The Security Guard(only a few will get this joke)...but one thing is worth mentioning totally...this jamal guy has an excellent memory...he said he knows each n everyone's car in the building with around a 100 flats...not only this...he could hear and recognize who's vehicle was entering and going!...very impressive...
I have to mention Gurpreet, he was of a lot of help...his idea of shifting clothes all together was more thn handy(or dandy) & then using the manama hypermrkt trolley for shifting TV and Microwave were too good...actually he's known as the aamir khan...he gives an idea after everyone's already given their foolish once...and only his idea is accepted...A SUPERHIT IDEA GIVER!
But one thing assured I am going to have a goodnight sleep...indeed...this reminds me..."A Friend in need is a friend Indeed...lol."
- RJ Pareek, Also starring Guru.
Ron Parker | 7:36 pm | bathroom, Dream, horror, sleep, snakes | 6 comments
yeah it's me...quite a while...ain't it?
So I regularly have these dreams which I wanted to share...I mean they are weird more than anything to start off...and I can't remember a dream after I wake up but a few which repeat...I can recollect them...
Dream 1 : I am sitting(or doing something that sounds similar) in my toilet(u can imagine urs :P) on the only place where I can, comfortably...and admiring the beauty of the shiny white tiles and the fine interior work done by the landlord...and suddenly there's some noise( no, not the one u think!)...it's coming from the drainage...the drainage lids on the floor start shaking...the noise gets louder and louder and there are Snakes coming out of the holes... every hole in the bathroom (including the one which i have blocked)...now the fear on my face is evident and looking at the snakes who look dumb!...they r searching for something...with their bisected tongue coming out of their mouth..sniffing around...suddenly i realise that there's a snake below me...and just when the thing is about to bite the only part of my body which I have never seen...I wake up! With wet face and submerged in horror with deep breaths...it takes another 10 mins for me to go back to sleep...
I am scared of Snakes... and yes...they scare the S**t out of me...literally!
Dream 2 : This dream starts off weirdly...I am running on this narrow street in my town in India...I have a gun in my hand...and I am running(how dumb!) and there is another guy running behind me...he too has a gun in his hand...and it seems like he wants to kill me...but y?...i am still trying to find out...and after running for a while...he fires!...the dream goes into slow motion and as soon as the gun(yes he throws the gun, instead of firing!) is about to hit me on the back of my head...I wake up again!...This dream feels like there's a dumbness battle on...i am trying to show that i am more dumb and he proves that NO...he's the dumbest of all...he wins it!
Enough of stupidity, i will not bug u more...lemme know if u have dreams which reoccur many times...Signing off...take care.
- RJ Pareek
old stuff!!
yusuf khan | 9:48 pm | | 3 comments
Hey readers,
Here at around 10:06, 12/1/2010 (why mi telling you the time and date??) anyway i was going through my facebook profile.. and some old stuff is where i ended up..
One note that i wrote nine months back.. i want to publish it again.. ohh yes my philosophy!!
I basically do philosophy when im free lol.. so just for information if u people want to see the original post then go to my profile and check the notes.. so here it is:
You always admire what you really don't understand...so read further!!!
Whosoever wishes to know about the world must learn about it in its particular details.
Knowledge is not intelligence.
In searching for the truth be ready for the unexpected.
Change alone is unchanging.
The same road goes both up and down.
The beginning of a circle is also its end.
Not I, but the world says it: all is one.
And yet everything comes in season.
So i put it up there (facebook) because of some undefined situations on my head..
These lines are extracted from sources. I wanted to give u the original sources of the extraction but i really don't remember it, its been long..
Actually i could not find any interesting story.. so i thought, lets get u rick rolled!!!!!!!!!!
Hahhahahahahaah you people have been rick rolled!! by reading such BULLSHIT!!
I call this total bullshit 2 !!!
Adventurous Ancestry!
Shawrix | 1:21 am | | 4 comments
I met many many people in the years that went by...but some of them actually fail to tell where the hell i am from....my friends know what m talkin bout...Well the story is that whenever i meet new people..they think i am from pakistan or from iran if nuthin than a afghani for sure! haha...doesnt really bother me much..but they fail to believe..that m from india..''Arre yaar u look from karachi..! ''U look like afghanistan! Speak pashton now or else i keel u!'!
Well i feel great about this ...cause i think this is a growing talent in me?! Lol maybe ill be appointed as a indian ambassador for these countries in da future!
Buttttttttt this isnt it! I was with my uncle ..seein how great dubai is...and we stopped at a repair shop.It was all normal nd there was these 3 irani brothers workin as mechanics..So as my uncle's car was repaired..one of those 3 brother's said..in a tuxy accent!''uuur naphuw logs lige irrranee''. Ahem? Am i missin something out here?
First i look like a pakistani then i look like irani ..now i feel like a cocktail...
So thought about this..and i figured out that my ancestors must have roamed around alot Man! they must have gone to iran then pakistan then a 'U' turn from afghanistan..they would have been like..hey lets goto pakistan! Sure why not?..Lets goto afghanistan! YEah dude i am totally into this (My ancestry=Excited to do anything!)! Lets goto India! Ummm...Sure but which part of it? ...U.P cause its very close to afghanistan!...after that that very very adventurous couple from my ancestry would have settled down..sayin ''Oh man i am freakin tired..lets rest over here..for rest of our lifes''.Haha ...this would have happened i guess..but at those times country names were not there....maybe they just travelled aimlessly.
I just feel like there is a wolf inside me, makes me a mysterious personalty..its not hard for all 4 countries to believe that i am from their country! And if ur wondering how ill prove that m from india..''U.P'' ..ill have my kids to prove that :p.
Da sleepy one
Guru | 12:51 am | Manali, Overdose, Torex... | 3 comments
Overdose? looks like a level of a game or something like that.Its nothing like that,its something that happened with me on my tour to Kullu Manali........
A teenager's regular day
Ron Parker | 7:21 pm | hairs, teenager, trimmer | 1 comments
Hello DUBAI...(yeah yeah only a few read so wht?)
After literally showing all my acting skills to my dad, yesterday was the day when i finally have my new trimmer(old one could no longer cut my facial hairs...which are like binding wires.).
Yesterday was friday and i thought today is the day...after purposely growing my stubble as thick as your eyebrows...went passed my dad the whole day(he doesn't like it) and finally he says,"let's go get that lawn mover that he wants." HAPPY!!!
From a matured man to an up tailed puppy within no time..."let's go dad"...Kept on barking! Got ready the fastest in the whole family and stood near the main door. It was almost like life was a slow motion for everyone else,"Hurry up people" my slogan for the moment.
Finally in the car, and I had this fevicol smile on my face. We moved...and fevicol seemed to spread per kilometre. We reached the mall, but before that he stopped by a shop where my brother wanted to by his shoes...how annoying! I turned into an angry dog who was disturbed while eating. I looked at the shopkeeper if he was the bone!(not his fault). After seeing a million shoes, rejecting a trillion and buying just one...we moved out. My dad has this habit of checking out random shops. After he entered one, i turned into a wolf!...It was no more about the trimmer but self esteem...because humans never like their younger siblings teasing them.
We reached the store finally, bought the trimmer of my choice...no time taken...and yes...finally content. Now i could breath oxygen(up untill now it was just anger). My lips felt much better coz i had bitten them..well...like a dog!(no I have not transformed).
Back home...curiosity of checking it out...trimmed the stubble. Aaahhh sweet life! Suddenly dad comes up, "can u trim my hair with this thing?"...and I was up and ready...i said to myself..if u wanna learn something...do it now!"Yeah dad, sure".
Started the worst learning experience of my life...well...we learn by mistakes right?...And the barber who stays below my building was called in emergency at 12 midnight...coz I was learning to cut my dad's hair.(i hope u guessed wht happened after that).
Take care...
Announcement people...From today onwards I will be posting blogs weekly...coz schools have started.
_ aaRAeJayEeieSecH_--{RAJESH}
Total bullshit!!
yusuf khan | 4:43 pm | | 3 comments
Hay there people!
Its been long since my last post, been a lil busy these days, did not even read the recent posts!! well ill look into that (will i??) so my mates here have been posting on regular intervals..
DAYS have not been so good!! Though holidays just could have been holidays BUT no!
last 15 days or so have just been sooo boring (for me at least!) nothing to do at all except facebooking and blogging. To add a lil more spice to that my father comes home early these days actually very early indeed! and all he has to say is STUDY MY BOY!!!! crap!! who in the world invented maths?? The worst part of the day is when FATHERS have absolutely nothing to do, i mean when they are free! They keep roaming about here and there in the house seeking to do something, and they end up by entering the child's room and ohh shit! here goes the dialogs "WHAT ARE YOU UP TO MY BOY?" papa im... im... i actually actully... hmmm PAPA IM JUST GOING TO START MY STUDIES! "WHAT?? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING SINCE SOO LONG?? WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??? YOU HAVE TO STUDY!!!! SHUT THIS LAPTOP DOWN AND STUDY!!!"
yes papa! he leaves the room, that's not where it ends! mother enters "kaha tha na tumse!!! when he's around you better be with your books!!"
But when he's not free ohh YES!!! its facebook time! days past.. soo boring, then comes the weekends OOO MY GOD!!! i mean weekends are suppose to be interesting, but but but.. HE'S FREE!! shit!! Friday starts with him waking everyone at 6 am sharp!! he comes in our room once says "GETUP!" then at 6:30 "CMON GUYS GETUP!" no bloody effect on us! then again at 7am "WHAT IS THIS GETUP GUYS!!" still no effect on us! but then at 8 am "GET UP YOU MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then it merely takes a second for us to rush up to the toilets and lock ourselves before he brakes open one of our heads!
Early in the afternoon the Friday prayer, then its a long studious day.. no options!!
but then arrives Saturday ohh yes!! maths tuition!! gives me the best reason to be out of the house for long!! I leave the house at 9am and return back at 3:30 pm approx..
In between this interval of time we enjoy a lot, we here is me and shariq! I normally reach late for the class in the morning just to freak the teacher out!! just love to see his f***ed up expressions..
and then after class me and shariq have this LUNCH DRAMA!!!! ohh god!!!
i'll be posting more on this LUNCH DRAMA latter..
so that's it boring holidays over, and we are back to school!!
Bend it like Saifu!
Shawrix | 12:10 am | | 3 comments
Hey guys!
So fridays are always boring for me...but it waz painfull also this time.(Why?)
because i had this great amount of backpain from 2 days.
It increased even more today.So i decided to go get some help from da ''Yogic baba''!
Yogic baba! (what does that mean?! Who is he?)
Haha..i actually learned some yoga postures for my lower-backpain, it was just like consulting a yogic baba's whom you can usually find in India.
So why i didnt take medications? Because it had happend due to some cramp or some injury..so i decided to cure it by doin yoga!
Haan so.. i searched for these yoga postures..and i got
this site called Yogacards.com! It was very informative but..there was a warning! Do the postures on your own risk!
Well they were hell right anyways...the people teachin yoga on this site were like rubba band! They can even put their legs on their shoulders and walk with their hands! nyways..so i said to myself...beta saif..dont get yourself stuck in a weird position! :S
Hmmm so...learning these yoga postures was'nt that tough, i tried doin them and Voila! those postures actually helped me! ^___^ and i can sleep with peacE!..this is my first time doin yoga and it was great experience altogether! :)
Remain healthy ..Remain fit...and hail the yogic baba!
So thats it for now, hope yall enjoy this weekend!
-Saifu (Da yoga expert! )
A Tuxy RIDE!
Ron Parker | 4:03 pm | Amit, china, Mamzar, nissan, racing, sharjah, south africa, taxi, thailand | 4 comments
Yesterday someone called me to Al mamzar park!...(ohhh!...someone who?)...no m not gonna tell you who:P. so after meeting him/her n all...i along with Amit(my frnd) were waiting for a taxi to head back.
Suddenly this guy came near us...looking like a drug dealer..."you wanth tuxy?" he said. He asked with the expressions if i want to buy one...i said, "ee...yeah...kind of..why?"
"Where du you wanth tu go?"..asked in a tone similar to my dad when he's angry and i'm about to go out. I told him where we needed to reach and he took us to his car. Now, it didn't look like a taxi at all...a 2006 model Red nissan SUV, v6, twin turbo, red leather interiors, sunroof and a sony surround sound system!...i was like..."so tht's wht a tuxy is!"
Now he took his car out of the parking lot, and i knew this could be my last ride! I looked at him, he had his left leg placed on the door...and the other one never really moved off the accelerator.Now this is what the conversation was:
Me: so...whre are you coming from?
Ahmed(the tuxy driver): F***ing Sharjah!
Me: ohh...and what do you do for a living?
Ahmed: This is my private vehicle and I use it as a tuxy.(in a 007 tone...which basically meant...it's illegal and if u complain...i'll be in)
Me: ahem!...naahhiice.(we were going at about 150-160 km/hr)
Ahmed: I also race illegally in sharjah, police catch me 2 times...put me in jail...i said ok! no problam.
Me: (looking front with a fake smile) so...u like racing?(did i need to really ask tht?)
Me: why don't u join formula one?
Ahmed: No not tht...I lob street racing...u knw cars moving ...and i go fast...really fast.(as he was saying this we were moving faster and faster...amit in the back seat had his purse out...looking at the pics of his family...and i was confirming whether the vehicle had passenger airbags)
Ahemd:(cont.) hehe...i was going fast and this person show me middle finger...i said yeah?...and then i hit him!..hehe...i said now show me!...haha...the bolice came and he ask wht haben?...i said...accident! My mistake!...haha
(now amit had gone half subconscious and i had gone double in consciousness...still searching for the airbag!)
Me: so go somewhre else...u'll find better roads and u can race more!(smart huh?...no actually changing the speed topic...no airbags yet!)
Ahmed: I hab been to 10 contries in the last 8 months.{throwing his passport towards me}
And as i went through it...china, thailand, south africa, etc etc(beat tht for PASSION!)...we had reached and amit had already seen the doors of hell and I found the Airbag.
There is nothing added in the conversation...it is all part of a true adventure!...I LOBED IT!
What do you think whether he should stick to his passion or it's wrong?...i say he should stick to it.
No more hot people please...
Ron Parker | 8:57 pm | aliens, copenhagen, global warming | 2 comments
Hi, so you are quiet a readoholic!
So finally I find a boring topic and try to write a blog on it, GLOBAL WARMING!(No, not again!).
Don't worry, I will not tell you the same things again and again...I will just be giving my NOBLE views about this.
I have literally heard this word more times than my name!( no, it's not like "global warming!" and i say, "yeh temme") What the governments are trying to do is...say it as many times as possible...so when it does happend...they say..."see, we told ya!". The people should stop producing stuff that somehow seems to heat the earth but they can't. And they know, it wont stop so say it as many times as possible. huh!...homo sapiens...that's what they call themselves..the pinnacles of evolution!
Sometimes I feel we were about to become the pinnacle of evolution and suddenly we started de-evolving! We started doing stuff by which we destroy our own home!(homo destroyers...lol) And even after knowing the consequences, ignoring it. Even the aliens know it...they say the aliens come n go!...why don't they do anything??...I know it!
The aliens came to know of the earth..they came...saw it and said,"let's call our friends, we will destroy it". When they came back they saw we had polluted it...so they said, " wait, why waste our money?(or whtever they use!)...they are doing it themselves!" So from then on they come n go to see how much more polluted the earth has gone.(so guys...wanna see aliens?...start saving the earth).
I will give you an example...recently the copenhagen conference did nothing...fine!...but u knw, it increased the amount of carbon by as much as a small country would do in a YEAR!...It's almost like my company is suffering from recession and I give a party to discuss about it and spend half of the budget and don't even get the answer!
Taking a leave...honestly...i'm bored...but still lemme know if u are!
-RJ Pareek
Anthropists | 3:35 pm | Gurpreet, injury, novel, Sachin | 8 comments
Well i'm back... but you must be thinking what kind of a topic is this,it looks strange but its not new for me,even the idea of writing about this on a blog came from an injury when i had a fracture in my left wrist ankle.....
Melon drama...
Anthropists | 6:46 pm | bitter melon, drama, excitement, yuck | 2 comments
Dear Blogon,(hope u get the word)
Everyone has their own lists...and I have my list of things one must do before his/her death...and one of them is to drink a glass full of bitter melon(Karela) juice.
Yuck! The first sound that I might hear if i were to deliver it as a speech...but anyways...I tried it today...and having done it earlier doesn't help at all...seriously!
I went up to my mom and asked her to prepare it for me...and the expressions that I see on her face matched the one that most parents give when their child fails in the exam and says, " next time I will score more than 90%". But even after believing that I will not be able to drink it, she started preparing it (moms are more supportive than dads)...I stood there watching it all...and by each passing moment the excitement level rose (not like burj khalifah!...but faster) and rose...I almost felt like there was someone sitting inside my brain with a flower in his hand plucking each petal saying, "you can drink, you can't, can, can't,..".
Suddenly it's done and readily served in the glass...by that time the person inside the brain started destroying the garden screaming...FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T DO IT!
I held the glass in my shivering hands, and yes like all humans(sometimes I feel, we evolved from dogs rather than chimps) I smelled it. My nose was about to fall, my eyes had seen it all, my ears were like,"we don't care" and my tongue wanted to give me all the bad words in the world!
I started drinking, in those 9 n half seconds, I recollected all the bad things that happened to me in all my life to compare them with this one...none qualified!...Rest is history...
But I still recommend eveyone to have this freakish experience at leasst once in their lives...good bye...YUCK!
-RJ Pareek
want to be roommates..
Anthropists | 5:30 pm | | 2 comments
hey there guys,
we (our group) have been discussing this for a long time now.. If we were to be living in together as roommates what could have we being doing together.. Many things flashes in my neurons (brains cells) on what could have i done to freak aal my mates. I thought for it for long and came up with 8 freaky points, here they are! just let me know if i'm missing something please do comment and tell me your suggestions i would definitely take that into consideration.. Here are the points:
1. Draw a tiny, Black spot on my arm. Make it bigger everyday.Look at it and say, "it's SPREADING!! it's SPREADING!!"
2. Every Thursday, Pack up everything i own and tell my roommates i'm going home. Comeback in an hour and explain that no one was home. Unpack everything and go to sleep..
3. Buy a McDonald's "Happy meal" for lunch everyday. Eat the straw and the napkin. Throw everything else away.
4. Live in the hallway for a week. Afterwords,bring aal of my stuff back into the room and tell my roommates, "OKAY, YOUR TURN."
5. Keep a Tarantula in a jar for three days. then get rid of the tarantula. if my roommates asks, say "oh, he's around here somewhere."
6. Bowl inside the room. set up tournaments with other people in the building. Award someone a trophy. if my roommates wants to bowl too, explain that he needs bowling shoes.
7. While my roommates are out, Glue my shoes to the ceiling. When my roommates walks in, Sit on the floor, Hold my head, and moan!!
8. Punch a hole in the television. Sit and watch it anyway, Complaining about the poor picture quality!!
By: yusuf khan (yk)
Teachers are always weird!
Shawrix | 5:27 pm | | 3 comments
Yo Peepz!
So this fine morning i was thinking about the teachers who taught me in my earlier classes.I came to know that most of them were weird one way or the another.I am not disrespecting them in any way but weirdness isnt the word for them...lets say they were ''special''.From my lower classes to my higher secondary i always pointed out atleast one teacher of mine that was different from others.So enough talkin i'll give you some examples:
No.1 on the list-Mr Kamal sir : My physics teacher in india.He was one of my fav physics teachers, not because he used to teach well...but because he used to sleep as soon as he entered the class.Maybe too much of physics isnt good for your brain? :D.
No.2 on the list-Mr Gagandeep sir :One of the most unique maths teachers i have come across!.He was one of the teachers who made maths look like ''indian idol''..didnt get it? well he used to sing while he did the maths problems.Funny isnt it? ''Main nikla gaddi leke! Oye yeh + hai ya -..! Haha...old memories..
No.3 on the list-Mrs Menaz mam : My biology teacher in india...she was not that special, but she had this habit of sayin ''shut your mouth!''...Ummmm whats so special about that?, the special thing about this was that the ''mouth'' sounded like ''mouse''.Maybe she had too many rats in her house.
No.4 on the list-Mr David sir : My beloved physics teacher in dubai. Haha..he was a good teacher (which i came to know now) but he had a habit of smiling while teaching.Well so what?..but this was his trick! If he's smiling and you start smiling with him he will say with a angry face ''Why are you smiling?!!? STAND UP.He had some great amount of mood swings i have ever seen.
Well i am sure that the list will go on...till then
tata for nao ♥
Anthropists | 2:32 pm | | 1 comments
By Idiots, i don't mean the dictionatory meaning,
I found another meaning which suits our group, guys
I - Intrinsically intelligent.
D - Downright smart.
I - Inimitable.
O - Original.
T - Talented.
S - Students.
so lets be the I.D.I.O.T.S
Shootout at luluwala...park!
Anthropists | 9:26 pm | director, film, Lulu, police, shooting | 1 comments
Greetings people...
At the most laziest time of the day, when i was sitting idle(off course), my dad called me and said,"there's a film shooting going on in the lulupark"...and that was it for me to take a blistering bath and put on whatever i could find...rushed to the spot...now... I am not that starstruck a person, I didn't rush to meet someone famous but due to my own greedy reasons.
I want to make a movie someday, and not act in it but direct it, and I thought there must be something to learn for me now...so go n grab it!
Now...the fun starts...i see a bunch of people clogged around some black stuff...It was a camera...and the director sitting along with the cameraman. The police warding off the mob and the actors preparing for their shot!..Quiet a sight.
Ok take 1...went wrong...take 2...again...and i watched 5 takes and it took no more time for me to guess what was the quality of the shoot. The police now warding off people seemed like..."move away, Bad acting going on!" Now I felt like teaching them instead of learning things from them...the director had only one camera angle...the actors looked confused and the light man was smoking...everything wrong(besides the good looking girls).
Any which ways i learnt a few things(I did?) as well and felt like sharing this experience with all of you guys...hope no one was bored!
RJ Pareek
Anthropists | 5:09 pm | | 0 comments
Im abt 16 and I study science just becoz of sheer interest . I belong to india , HYDERABAD and I love to play cricket but still an amateur. I am always the one who is mocked of in ma class and …..yes I have to say it, almost 50% of the jokes are cracked on me by my frnds but as force of habit I always forgive them. I like to hang out with my buddies and enjoy to the fullest
This iz it frm MASTI
12 things to do before we GRADUATE
Anthropists | 12:04 am | | 3 comments
1. Laze around watching non-descript movies for days on end without a care in the world!!!
2. Become an audiophile, collect every album there ever was and dump them in the bin!!
3. Join a band or if you have no musical talent whatsoever, get our friends together and start an air band!!
4. During an exam, try to get people in the room to do the wave!!
5. Jump into water fully clothed!!
6. Take a cross-country road trip with all friends in convertible car (dil chahta hai!!)
7. Learn the words to at least one bob Dylan song. pink Floyd will be lauded just as much!!
8. Pull an all-nighter with our closest buddies, doing a movie-marathon with loads of pizza and junk food!!
9. Go rock climbing, skydiving, parasailing, bungee jumping, or camping!!
10. Send a friend a telegram with a cryptic message and later confuse him/her further with crazy suggestions of what it could mean!!
11. Fall asleep in class (or at least pretend to) for a minimum of 30 minutes!!
by: yusuf khan (yk)
They call me GURU......
Anthropists | 7:07 pm | | 2 comments
Here i am the Laughter house of the group......
It finally opens tonight!!!
Anthropists | 5:41 pm | Burj dubai, dubai, fastest, khalifa, metro | 3 comments
Burj dubai is stated to open tonight...big deal?...well...for the arabs it is. After half of the world working to build it, and the rest half waiting for it to be built...here we are...a needle like structure poking out of the earth...looking like an antennae to connect to the aliens...will come to life tonight!
The thing is some 800mts tall...now who would like his office at such a height? whre the oxygen level too seems to drop...and it's equipped with the world's fastest lift...so everytime u go up and down u feel the thrill...i think one of the lifts is going to be used as a ride! ( the PRIDE RIDE...haha) and yeah didn't i tell ya?...
It is being hailed as the pride of the nation...hmm...what work have the arabs done in it to be PROUD of it???(besides paying petrol money offcourse) It's like I order the biggest set of gold and diamonds and showcase it like my PRIDE...! But the good thing about this is that they become famous...more tourists...more money...more antennaes? is it? or more encroachment on the land of sea?
These guyz know how to be in the news alwayz..."hey, let's become famous...but how?...hmm why don't we build the largest tower in the world?..great idea!" They are like the arabian bratz!
But sometimes they tend to do some useful stuff under this array of spending oil money...the dubai metro is one such example. Anyways...let them spend as much as they can...one day they will have to sell dates again...and take camels up and down burj dubai and dive deep inside from the palms to dig pearls...and again indian currency would be used:P
Take care people...! BUBYE
Rajesh P
Mujhee kooo pehchaaan lo!
Anthropists | 10:17 pm | | 3 comments
Main hoon KAun!! Well...i know most of you guys don't know me so here it goes.. my name is Shariq Shahid, my nickname is ''saifu''.. I would love to tell bout myself over here...but ill cut it short , i am basically from India....from a small place called Rampur...the place is small but the people are big-hearted..
Personally i am very sensitive, honest, sincere, hardworking(sumtimes)
Dude!! i am not givin a job interview am I?!
So when i came to this school 3 years back i made many good friends, i met many new people...some of them became best friends of mine....... fortunately (for them)..and we had sum great amount of fun together.
Talkin about present life....i have taken science stream...and am havin loads of fun in dubai, well those two sentences dont suit each other dont they...but yeah we all friends are enjoyin this so called science stream to the MaX...
tata for nao ♥..
Lazy lamhe(moments)...
Anthropists | 7:49 pm | australia, brushing, holidays, sayonara | 1 comments
Hi all,
Holidays are literally like marriage(I am a bachelor:P)...u want them when u don't have them, once u do get them...they r hard to bear!
Every odd night u think before sleeping...tomorrow is d day when i start studying!...and tomorrow never comes!...a typical student life. There are a million lazy moments to stop u from studying...brushing seems to take 15 mins...n bathing even longer...it feels like thre is a holiday demon lurking around...he comes out as soon as they start and goes back in as they end.
And for some odd reason u feel like doing stuff tht u would run from in regular school dayz...grossery...cleaning...starting a blog...even watching Star News...Weird!
Anyways "aawl iizz well"..up until now but i feel duly scared when thinking about the upcoming so called preboards...and so so called gulf boards...!
Exams for me are like those last 2 overs in a t20 where one needs to score a million runs in just 12 balls and u still feel u can get them...aahh...life...!!! It was all ok till 10th, but now 11th seems like a south africa or australia...and my tendulkars(brain cells) are not practicing well...
Will write in later...about some more boring stuff...sayonara!
hear from the boy next door!!
Anthropists | 5:28 pm | | 1 comments
hay.. everyone this is yusuf khan (yk), one of the 6 idiots!! don't get me wrong i don't mean real idiots but idiots(I-Do-It-On my own-TermS) in the sense people who do things the different way but happen to do it better then the ordinary way, for more information on this description watch "3 idiots" ok.. jokes apart..
a small intro about myself: name above.. age 18.. currently studying, basically science cause that's the passion.. i belong to INDIA, Delhi.. and im totally into sports.. thats all abt me..
Well even this is my first time on writing a blog.. so bear with the mistakes..(especially spellings!)
Our group of 6 has always been keen on doing things our way and differently..
In the most developing(still?) city in the world being DUBAI, we live and enjoy to the fullest..
this is it from the boy next door!! wait till you hear from all of us!! have fun and please do comment!!
BY- yusuf khan (YK)
The beginning...
Anthropists | 5:29 pm | Amit, appreciative, energy, flambuayance, great, Gurpreet, honest, hyderabadi, intelligence, looks, Mustafa, original, professional, Rajesh, Shariq, sincere, skinniest, unique, weirdest, Yusuf | 2 comments
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I am writing a blog EVER...therefore have no idea on how to start. But we are tought to give ur introduction first...so here it is
This is not an individual blog...it's a group blog..we are a bunch of guys...who wanted to write our own blog.(for some weird reason)
Let me strt with the introduction of all ( in alphabetical order )...
Amit...Ample honesty combined with the best of hearts, he is someone who you can literally call at 3 and say, " Amit, my zip is stuck dude, need help!"...and he would come!
Gurpreet Singh Gill...Flambuoyance, presence of mind and intelligence...with a lot of energy...is gurpreet!...A superb company to have and one of the bestest of friends.
Mustafa...yes...he is a Khan. - a thorough hyderabadi, a thorough professional, very sincere, and knows how to digest a bad joke on himself:P. Another great friend.
Rajesh Pareek...yeah u guessed it ryt...it's me!... not someone who u could call at 3 coz my phone is either out of charge or i am not near it. Jokes apart...I try to stay original and unique...tht's it!
Shariq Shahid...you cut me in half radially and you get a shariq shahid, skinniest of all, weirdest of all, and the most appreciative of all. A great human being...
Yusuf Khan...Boy next door looks, boy next door charm, bu a man next door habits...you'll come to know that later. Quiet mature bu sometimes over mature:P
Ok then I am done with the work here...will be waiting for one of my friends to sign in and correct me if i am wrong. Untill then