Howdy Folks!
Well the title says it all but incase you are still thinkin about the film predator...then in that should know that predator is on a date with one of the aliens he had crush he has no time to be on our blog's infamous..posts.
I was thinkin what to write about this week and the blog's main title came to my mind...and i thought that i should write a post that will live up to this blogs name.Apart from my randommmmm posts this will be one of the posts ...which will make you discover the geeker side of mine..umm ..geeker..or geeky..whatever!
I have been always intrested in the extinct series of animals...i always found out that there was a mystery hidden in the animals that got extinct.
..Nope i am not talking about the animals that were wiped out by humans...But before us , Before we were born....It was like everything was planned for us...No no i dont want to start a debate whether we came before dinosaurs or not..but.. still!I wont confuse you anymore but lemme show you 3 most dangerous species of animals that would have destroyed us if they would have been alive right NOW!
Nuuuup..this aint a dinosaur..haha..This is the giant ShaRK!! A 52ft shark..!I just saw its picture and it was like larger than a juvenile blue whale!. :l...Heres a funny pic of this Megalodon

This sure is compatible to be on my No.1 list!

Well as i mentioned this name i know you would have imagined..all the parts of jurassic park at once..Oh you didnt?.. Yeah now you would!...Well we can live on land with peace and stay away from water without these giant sharks...but livin on land with dinosaurs...?! thats riduclous!...I dont want to become a live pipe bomb!...Or find myself runnin for my life...with 5 hungry dinosaurs behind me Lol! of
the biggest families of animals also includes of the most dangerous hunters of all times...from 100s of species these predators ought to be on #1 But...I found these sharks more hideous and dangerous!..I would thank god for one thing though...with all these long dinousaur names..and species...its good they got extinct (They got extinct about 65 million years ago).I ..Dont have to learn all these long names for my bio exam! :D
You think i am kiddin? Try learning this one..Pachycephalosauria or this one Therizinosauroids ...Too easy??..try this one

Nope these arent Sharks...Nor they are some smiling creatures...but one of the most dangerous predators of all time.. Their 2 long canines were more than 8cm long..and these hunters were one of the most Fierce animals..belonging to the cat family..these Smiling Cats! did their level best to live up to the cat family's name!..Sadly i wanted to see these cats alive ...because...these cats were safe for the present world plus..they were one of the most smart hunters of ice age...!
These 3 animals will always remain top on my list of animals that should not be there while we are alive!...But these animals were surely ''BORN TO KILL''!
And if you are wondering why i didnt include wooly mammoth..i just found it was too weak against the cavemans..that used to hunt them for food! So wooly mammoth for now!
Have a Smile'o'don day!
Got this MMS from..predator this afternoon....They are havin fun on their first date! :D
hahaha funny post da shark!!! i was jus imaginig abt tht 52ft long...i guess there will be sign boards inside its body,stomach ahead, go slow area under construction ....haha
silly me
lmao at musti's srsly shariq now i see y they call u sharq..u have an aobsession with those creatures! really it was a funny post and well writen.altho i'm not sure the predator's date looked all that GREAT!
Shark! u scared me there boy! Blue whales are 108ft long and these guys about should have written "baby blue whales" instead of just BLUE WHALES...imagine a creature so large as compared to the 108ft long blue whales...they would scare the wits off the mankind even from the oceans if it were so...
But, I think even if dinos would be there...they'll still be led to extiction by humans...coz the only way to protect ourselves from them would be to kill them!
And at last someone comes in to write something meaningful, whre is yusuf? and mustafa? and paji(guru)...???
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