Clean up the World!
Shawrix | 1:20 am | | 0 comments
Wohoo! Isn't it great going to a beach with students all over competing to collect the most trash!...Well that doesn't sound that great, but it was really fun.....atleast we got a chance to enjoy outside for sometime.
Well...i didn't start out that great....I was late for the bus...and nearly missed it...but had alot of fun in the bus, while my batch mates were playing the freaks and dancing inside the bus...! We reached the spot a bit late but it was better than other trips...atleast we reached before it ended..
The fun part was we were all happy because we finally came to know that there are some girls in Dubai..As we study in a non-coed school, we actually forgot that fact by seeing boys and boys around us all the time.It was hot, while interacting with other as-in weather...
There was more than just trash on the beach....Lizards!...Moreover the Pieces of certain things such as thermocol and stuff was like placed between the bushes...Everytime i tried to clean the bushes i told myself...Snakes don't live near beaches...Cmon!....
It was more than just trash was more like dating for some peepz...! They were like we don't care...!...Finally the refreshments...were being given out as they are given to flood victims...but then our coordinator intervened and got things cleared up.
Rajesh had brought his Canon...Not a Cannon...his Camera...So we got some excellent pics....though some were focussed somewhere else ;).
I might post few here as i get my hands on them.
We reached school back on time...Sadly...:P...We still had a full day of schooling...But we had interhouse volleyball tourney, so we had more my house has reached the finals...once more :).
Thats a short summary on the trip...gotta sleep...!
Let’s blog again!
Ron Parker | 9:14 pm | | 0 comments
Hi, How's everyone? Not fine? I know how It feels to miss me! OK jokes apart, longer than usual right? It's been so long that If I were to ask a question to all of my friends, these would be the answers… Question: What do think about blogging? Yusuf : What the F*** Is that? Ohh, blogging, Yeah it's…aa…What was that again? Gurpreet : so you want the exact definition or the one which I think it is which might or might not be correct because you know when I start describing something then you will not be able to understand and you will blame me and… …… …. …. .. …. ………… …………… ……………… ………………… ……………. Bhag sale! Shariq : (In a crooked voice) Kutta! Mustafa : Blogging is a curse upon the human race which will one day destroy us all! (:-I) Amit : Hmm…What I think? What do I think? Hmm…Think…and I? Do I even think? What do you think? Do I think? Finally Lazy 18 : Hey! I am not in the But if you want to…then ok … lol. Blogging is something which I invented but was not given the noble prize because they thought I had followers who were a bunch of guys who had no Idea about it!..But I am happy!...YAY!!!lol This might not be what exactly they might say, but I bet ya, it won't be very different. Anyways I wanted to write more but need to go and study so hopefully next time? Bubye!(If you know what I would have said…you can leave your comment!)
The Human Cry-sis!
Shawrix | 10:52 pm | | 1 comments
*Crackes his fingers*...hmm well its been a long time since i have written something, and once again its time to call the Haunted Classroom...Yup...As we all know the haunted classroom comes into play once this blog is left alone for a week or don't freak out if you see few ghouls and ghosts roaming around chatting...and doing hideous things ;)...
Well i was really busy with studies and stuff...Busy! Tht reminds of of da lazy18...She's quite busy these days...too lazy to be lazy ...well being busy sure is fun..time flies, and the sands of time...just don't wait for feel like a adventurer while sleeping, thinking what you might face tommorow.
Well as i was talking with my blogmate Mustufa...i realised that the Human is in a big Cry-sis...No i don't mean any kind of financial crisis...I mean Cry-sis...We all humans have extremes of emotions ...we all have one extreme emotion in ourselves...when that emotion reaches its peak we Cry...Hmmm In simple english...somepeople cry when they are too angry, some while they are happy, some when they are lonely, some after being embarrased, some after some kind of sorrow etc etc...You get the point...
We have the urge to cry in our life, at some point or another...And by crying i don't means crying like no tommorow...even if your eyes fill up with tears thats included in crying...So please stop imagining 2 year old toddlers crying...its like we over filled by emotions...they just overflow!
Some people think that humans cry only when they feel sad....NO! They only cry when their particular emotion reaches the extreme level...whether it be any emotion anger,sadness,happiness etc...And don't think humans only cry through their eyes...humans can cry in their hearts too...crying doesn't mean that you need to shed tears...its not an ACT its a feeling deep within ourselves..We need to understand that...Just as we feel the feeling of anger, happiness in our hearts.By hearts i don't literally mean it! So all those biologists please don't pounce on me...!
I hear some unusual footsteps...o_o... ..I must go check it out...Adios!
What a day it was......
Guru | 8:02 pm | | 2 comments
A very warm hello to every1....feels nice after a bath in the evening. Well do i need an introduction? if so then go to this link(http://anthropists.b
I will become a.......!
Shawrix | 10:38 pm | | 0 comments
We all are running after certain professions...its like a marathon, We know we won't get first but still we run and run and run and run...Its human nature...can't help it..
We start chasing professions at the age of 3 ..Yup we start making blocks with toys or scribble on a paper to make our parents say ''My son will become an Architect!..''..They don't realise how much of physics or i must say weird things are there in becoming an Architect!...But the son doesn't realise that he keeps he reaches the age of 10...he starts playing with Robots, Cars, and all kind of destructive toys...And then the Parents say ''My son will become an Automobile engineer''...Its a kind of satisfaction to the parents that they are soon gonna make their son self reliable...But its a long journey ahead...for both of them...Then..Their son gets to the age of 15...The Teenage...More like the age when hormones start playing olympics inside a human body...Then their son starts to play with in sense they start getting close...And then the parents say Duh ....They don't say anything...They leave them alone!..=P
So the point is we keep chasing some thing or the other...But we ourselves don't know whether we will be able to reach our goal...Some people do..some people don't and they get trapped somewhere...else..somewhere they are not supposed to be and then the parents really aren't in a position to say anything.
I wonder if there was no money..and it was the old barter system would we still run after profession as we are now...buying certificates with so called fees...without actually practically implying to it...just studying so that we pass...
So i decided to make a list of jobs that are very dangerous....or bad for your health in simple words...
There are so many weird jobs in this world so try not to be one of them-
1) Working in a zoo to feed animals...its doesn't sound that bad...but it turns out to be sometimes...
2) Tower maintainer...You'll see it below...
3) Working in a Customer Service of the worst company you can find..
4) Working as a ATC...(Air traffic control) ...I dunno what you need to be one but you sure need a certificate from a psychologist...stating ''He sleeps only for 2 hrs''...
5) Working as an Air hostess...Its great to serve people...But as long as they don't start serving you...
6) Crime scene cleaners...Cleaning up a crime scene isn't always easy...a different situation every single time...
7) Being the president of a country which says ''WEH SHOOT LEADERS IN THEIR HEAD''
8) Rugby player...if you have no bones...
9) Bartender in a Bar where Gang fights are common...
10) Working in a low grade Indian movie that are passed by the censor just because the film's producer assured them that no kids will watch it...
Tower climbing! Have fun! :)
The Ambassador!
Ron Parker | 9:04 pm | | 1 comments
Heyy...I am sort of making a come back after I decided not to write anymore because life got busier than expected. But here I am trying to sniff some time out and pen down something for you all to read.

The night of power!
Shawrix | 3:26 am | | 1 comments
Salamwalaikum! :D
So i got a chance to pray behind Salah bukhatir on 27th night of laylatul qadr...Well for those who don't know what laylatul qadr is it a night in which the Quran was sent down and also the night when every living thing falls in prostration..(Worship)..there's more to it but the post is about something else...So...It was a great experience..i didn't get chance to pray inside...but praying outside was even more fun...! With my colony mates we had a great time...The moment the dua started at 2:10 am was like the whole crowd of 10k people were crying, it was really touching and a experience i will never forget!..
I then thought that when Salah Bukhatir came to our school i didn't even know he is so famous, people gather in big crowds to meet some Indian celebrity's a great personality from what i know...
Got to meet Baseer (Old classmate) too...And was glad to know hes studying really well...atleast someone is... =l
Oh oh and there was a live coverage from Sharjah tv...the whole sharjah tv crew van was there something i saw for the first time :)
There were Police forces all over the place...and as soon as the prayer ended at 3am the they started shouting Go home go home! :P
Just came back from the same masjid so thought of writing about it and sharing it with y'all... :)
Some Snaps...
Shawrix | 12:11 am | | 1 comments
That countdown timer is driving me NUTS! AGH!-highlight
The most interesting and Devilish thing is to read someones diary...Why are we all so curious to read someones diary...Its just because they write their secrets..Lol..and we read them to make use of em HAHAHHAA *evil laugh*...
No i don't have a diary ..nor i wish to write one...i have many other things to write...
13) Biggest fear : Being hated by anyone
18) I am a person obsessed about marriage
19) Something which makes me laugh : Horror shows on Tv,Comedy shows..
20) I admit to act like a 7 year old sometimes..make me lose all the tension.
Parents of the parents
Ron Parker | 10:58 pm | | 2 comments
Daily Buzz - II
Shawrix | 12:37 am | | 1 comments
As you must have noticed there was a video posted about some northern lights...i dunno if you saw it or not..but i had posted it just in mere excitement that there are so many many things in this world that we can't even see in our short period of life..For example i have just seen India and Uae...or some people must have seen 4-5 countries ..but some places are just great to visit just like this place in Norway..shows in the video.
And I just saw a video that really got me thinking how much people follow religion..There's a psycho representing chrisianity unfortunately...unfortunate because what hes doing is really against what his religion preaches or what any religion preaches...and it will only result in hatred against his religion as people dont live long but religion stays in the world...
He says islam is giving out hatred and violence..and what you are doing?...Duh..Like we say in hindi ''Buddha sathyagaya hain. '' no no nothing against buddhism >_<...It means Oldie has gone mad.
Ron Parker | 6:34 pm | | 1 comments
Hey, me back! So today I was just sitting idle and suddenly from nowhere I get this feeling of playing my keyboard. As I did that, I noticed that I haven't played from more than one n half years and I am playing it alright. It's a surprise coz I wasn't so good at it before but now I feel so much better after the break. But anyways…what I want to talk about is, Pygmalionism…it means to love an inanimate object, just like I do to my keyboard or even my tabla. It's strange as to how we humans attach ourselves to objects so easily and than there comes a stage when you start falling in love with it. I literally loved my bat when it was new and I was continuously playing cricket. I would hug it so affectionately and spend hours just looking at it. It was beautiful and had all the curves but that's very strange. I don't know how many here agree to me but every now and then humans suffer pygmalionism. Some people even talk to things, ask questions to them and laugh and cry and what not. A few on the other hand even sleep with them(shhh…). But humans can love anything, can't they? From cities to moods to fancy toilets to movies to Angelina etc…(even sonu niigaam) May be that's what keeps us going. The love for the things that we do, see, hear etc. So how many of you suffer pygmalionism and for what object? You can even tell me about the people you know who behave weirdly to things in the comments section below…feel free to comment…I even seem to have pygmalionism for comments as wellJ! Take care.
North East West South - NEWS
Ron Parker | 4:52 pm | | 1 comments
Hello...anyone missed me? By the looks of the post from my achates guru, it feels as if he at least did. But yeah, faced a few problems and was busy with my NANA (maternal grandpa) landing here to visit us. He's still here though. Let's just have our opinions about the news that's on these days… The Flood in Pakistan & northern parts of India… It's obviously very sad to hear about around 2 million people strangled and about 2000 losing their lives in this massive calamity. The UAE is doing it's bit to provide the desideratum. But I as an Indian see this as a golden opportunity to bring the people of the two countries so close together that it soon gives a golden reward of an unbreakable friendship. If India could now extend the helping hand to the people stranded, the people receiving the help are going to spread the word around and all this might actually bring a twinkle in the eyes of the politicians too. I know I am not so mature to be giving out ideas from my weltanschauung to resolve issues between 2 nations but giving it a try is not a bad ploy. BTW I have heard Indians living in UAE donating for the cause which is a very good thing. Hats off to the UAE army for sending their choppers and army for help. The Berry that used to taste sweet… Moving on to something very foolish going on in the world…Banning the services of the Blackberry. I am sure that even the donkeys in my village have heard this news. I mean honestly, is it such a big deal? If it is, why take this step? This news has haunted me from the last month like a poltergeist. Everyone seems to have misunderstood the news itself because whenever I meet someone new, they seem to say…"ohh, you have a BB, sad, it's getting banned". First of all my friends who think they read the newspapers daily, the internet services are getting banned, not the device! It doesn't make a difference to me coz I barely use the services, but what about all those people who earned their bread and butter using this. The Businessmen, it is like a gift from the heavens to them and taking it back would be like betrayal of the gods. Anyways, the security concern is the excuse for the banning it and If I may ask, weren't there any security concerns from the start? Suddenly you see people talking about blackberry being a weapon of mass destruction. I think they should come to some pact between the BB People and resolve this because this step is taking us no further. Ramadan Kareem The holy month of the Muslims has begun and being celebrated all over the world. I like this month too because you see people in Dubai are more calm about their job and no one likes to create a fuss. What more? It teaches good things and to behave properly. I am sure Yusuf is utilizing this month to the fullest!:P Along with sharq n musti ofc. Enough of news bulletin, signing off…Ron from Anthropists news centre,blogspot,…umm google yeh?
Wake up!!!
Guru | 6:03 pm | | 1 comments

It has been 63 years...
Shawrix | 10:46 pm | | 1 comments

A wish
Guru | 7:36 am | | 3 comments
A very happy independence day to all the Pakistanis and Indians in advance…..In advance because today I’m very happy and would like to share it with all of u…
13 august marks the end of one of the most beautiful month of the year (saavan) But this not the reason for being so happy….The main thing is that its birthday of a GIRL (not a boy this time.), She is among the top followers of our blog, she was one of the first one to join(After L18) and also a nice friend of us….
On this day a girl called Jaspreet Kaur (Aditi Kapoor) was born, bit shy, Religious, Humorous, dangerous when angry, loves to see her friends happy and very lucky(May be because she got 32 teethes.. :D), But why am I writing about all this stuff??Well, the reason is simple and straight; she is the girl who has just come in life although she was there since I first saw her way back in 2004(beautiful and charming with a great smile on her face), but never understood when I fell in love with her.
She call herself lucky for many reasons but I think I’m the most luckiest one to get a girl like her. I really feel very disappointed for not being close to her on this wonderful occasion but will be always closer to your heart and you will be always somewhere in my heart reminding me of you each time my heart pumps……
Wajood na ho to hasti kis kaam ki, maza na ho to masti kis kam ki, aapka janamdin ho aur hum wish na karein, to yeh dosti kis kam ki.......
Yours lovingly
GJ(Guru Ji)
Meet my dog....
Guru | 8:06 am | | 1 comments
Hi wats up!!
Having a great time here in India enjoying a lot and also the weather is just awesome!!
iGLUE - It sticks!
Ron Parker | 1:37 pm | | 2 comments
Howdy Icelanders?

The ice selected is special and mostly the flakes blown by wind are used because of their bonding properties.
Ice Blocks, the size of a traditional concrete block(tabuk) are cut and shaped according to the requirement. One person is enough to construct the whole thing. The blocks are spontaneously cut and placed one above the other at a perticular angle in a circular manner. There is no holding together material applied because the ice itself connects via the hydrogen bonds to create a strong bond. The Ice blocks have constant melting and freezing of ice and water on the inside due to a heating material placed. This provides further strengthening of the structure.
This dome structural engineering is by the way not copied from rome or anywhere else. This is as old as any other architectural finding. Amazing, how these people have their own inventions to their credit with no resources what so ever!
The Igloo is extremely warm on the inside because of the melting and freezing insulation provided by the internal heat source. The body heat of the people inside also cirulates in the interior and whatever the heat off the ground too doesn't seem to escape.
Surprisingly, they are known to raise the temperature to a staggerring 15-20 Deg. Celcius! Which is as good as a heater that we might use in our homes!
First day of my visit
Guru | 8:08 pm | | 6 comments
Congratulations…It’s a boy again!
Ron Parker | 9:21 pm | | 4 comments
How many of you have survived in the womb of your mother with another sibling of yours in the same womb and come out alone! Here's someone who has and calls himself the murderer of his sibling who was never born... Skinny Humorous Artistic Rampur Informal Qualitative Do these words remind you of someone ? No? What about Argh, Baaa, I are buttman! etc.....reminded of Pirates? Ancestors? Egyptians? Aliens? or Butty Natasha!? Never mind, who ever they remind you of must be a person with long locks, an amazing heart, and as light as a feather! Still guessing?...lemme give you a few more clues... He selects his friends very carefully, but once he does that, be assured he's never going to let go of them...he is still single, so any girl who wants prepared for a lot of attitude first up and to laugh a lot later on... As lively as a bachelor party and as straight forward as his body itself...Unbiased and fair just like his skintone, thinks more from his heart than brain and whatever he pumps out of there is brilliant! Creative to the core and judgemental from the birth... He's an Indian, a son, a friend, a brother, an editor and writer on the blog & also a sidekick! He loves Milk, chocolates, chocolate milk, strawberry, strawberry milk, cows, and city centre...He hates terrorists, human traffickers, discriminators, hators, you, {if you are still thinking who he is} and Me {for writing all the absurb things about him}......& he looks like an Afghani (may be because Rampur was earlier ruled by an Afghani Leader.) His favourite movie - Sholay because Gabbar was from Rampur Favourite song - Rampur ka vasi hoon main... Favourite Instrument to play with - Rampuriya(a type of knife) Why am I telling you all this? Good question...well because on this perticular day he was born so this is supposed to be the one day in the year which is his...every minute of it...He must feel important and and we must all contribute our bit to make him feel so...because people like him have ceased to step on this land anymore! PS : Janamdin ki hardik shubhkaamnayen to our dear and near friend...(still confused? Just write a blog about Shariq and check if it matches...)
Yaar Main India Chala.....
Guru | 6:36 pm | | 1 comments
Happy friendship day to all my enemies….
Finally a great success for us, Mustafa started writing, we are into 3 digits and the extra classes are over (mind it extra class not special classes…) giving us a bit of time to relax and enjoy along with studies. But still not the best one for me because I couldn’t join my team for UK tour. :( but still to make the full out of these holidays I’m flying to India on 5th (woohooo…:D) surely gonna enjoy the monsoon a lot along with some project works and record books which are given as a HW.
But yeah let me take you briefly through my flight and journey…. Just booked my tickets 2-3 days back and I can guarantee one thing for sure it’s the worst ticketing site I have ever seen!!!!Whenever you enter there’s a photo of a women with hands joined like she is saying Namaste (acc. To my brother) but I think she is apologizing in advance for poor site conditions….well the tickets were booked after doing all that hard work for arnd 1 hour and giving my information some 7-8 times…The flight is Air India (Boeing 737-800) not a good plane at all, I mean the worst if we see it in compare with others…
The cabin crews are just awesome…well are they???No they are not!!!Not at all… I mean the way they announce is very threatening and those safety activities before takeoff creates extra bit of fear among passengers. The meal they serve during flight is not of much importance because the flight is only of 3 hours or a quarter more than that sometimes but still it’s not up to the mark…Well a samosa along with a pan cake(that too contain egg) and gulab jamun(Indian sweet) are enough to make me say that it suckzzz!!!although I never eat much in the flight….
Well moving to the entertainment section and guess what…They have TV screens to show some mooooviessssss…. But my poor kismet(luck) I went twice earlier and both the times it was kismet Konnection(a clear indication for passengers that it’s all about luck)…..This time the flight is during night and maybe they will not show any movie…
Now u must be thinking WTH am I travelling in this flight!!!Why not any other??? I still prefer this because of a strange reason and that is that this flight goes during the night time and I just love travelling in night, I mean why some 1 would want to miss a chance of watching Dubai from top in night also the series of lights going in a line at Wagah border and those stars in black skies aahh They are just awesome…also the fact that the flight goes over nuclear Iran, Talibani part of Pakistan and landing just 10 km away from The Wagah border all these conditions and views makes my flight interesting and make me stick onto the side window for almost all the 3hours and to add something more to this we all know that its monsoon season which means rainnnnn along with lightning and thundersssss…
All these makes my flight much more challenging, interesting and because of this I enjoy my flight a lot….
So, for now I’m off and will post my next post from India…bubye and take care gonna miss all my mates a lot c u soon…..
Getting nervous after knowing and writing all those things about my flight already so many problems with diff. flights this year……
The beginning…
Ron Parker | 11:30 pm | | 3 comments
Holla blogon(it's time I used it again)... How's it bean? If anyone failed to notice...the last post of ours by Mustafa was the 100th post on this site and we are very proud of how the things have build up and how we have grown post by post. So here's an account of things that have gone by... The name Anthropists...many people asked me, what does it mean and how did it come about? Well...if you use Google and fail to find the meaning of this word, it's not your fault neither Google's but it's an accident that took place on 1st of Jan 2010. Let me take it to the beginning of things... We all sat down and planned for an organized blogging platform to share our genuine thoughts about different topics. Thankfully no one had a second opinion and all 5 of us (me, sharq, guru, YK and musti) agreed to it in a flash. But where do we start...a very big question...there are so many sites that provide you with blogging platform...and well, they left it on to me to find a site and start blogging... I went through all of them, bigadda, wordpress and ofc blogger etc and couldn't actually decide on one. I went straight up to Google & searched the word "blog" deciding that the first blogging site that appears is what I am going to select. And it's anybody's guess which one landed up... Now done...what about the all important domain name? I had a word in my mind from a long time which meant "study of humanity" & it exactly summed up the thought process behind us joining hands to write...the word is called "ANTHROPOLOGY" and the exact one which I wanted to coin was ANTHROPOLOGISTS, and guess what?...I miss-spelt it as ANTHROPISTS(don't ask me just landed up)...after I wrote and published our first post came to notice the irony and as things go by...I let it this is something which very few people actually know about... We never really expected people to come and read our stuff but a soul called Lazy18(where are you?...:'( ...) was the first commenter we found on the first post and were utterly glad and surprised...and then of course people like Shafiq khan, pragya and aditi kapoor joined in and we soon had quite a number of followers for a relatively new blog... And of course...the countdown up to 100 hasn't been easy at all...full of bumpiness and surprises and a whole lot of emotions coming out...there have been funny, sarcastic, intellectual, emotional, dramatis tic, soulful, inspiring and even some not so good posts but all in all...when I look back...I feel proud and joyous...maybe this is what someone might call a success! But this is just the beginning...isn't it? In hope of continuation and assurance of stuff better to come...signing off...
Mustafa Khan | 12:52 am | | 2 comments
So, Whats up peepz?, huh.. just burning in the heat of Dubai(actully me too). Holidays and nothin to do but procrastinate...this vacation is just turning out to be my dream life! Tommorow, paji is going to UK, lucky fella gets to escape this burning desert.
I was wondering abt this so called "SUCCESS" mantra, i mean like people are just starting to think success as a recipe or maybe a computer program. Well this whole thing got started when our english teacher or perhaps our english trainer(thts wat he calls himself) started this topic on the very last day of summer school.
It all started when he distributed some worksheets abt writing a Factual description, well it was a normal class except a few people talking, I was sitting on the last bench and just staring at this worksheet. All of a sudden our english sir started speaking, and he said look im a face reader and i have read your faces ..haha, i watched this class frm past 15 mins and all except one have wasted their time, he was like im the only one who read the paper and this is my quality. I was happy, but all of a sudden our beloved sir started this whole conversation abt "SUCCESS" and now he was criticizing each and every student of class, then the students of school and then the students of dubai and then the whole common people world. He was like the successful people have this quality and tht quality and blah, blah, blah,....
So the moral of the story is tht people now are starting to think success as recipe or a program, tht if u operate or write the correct sequences you will be successful! Huh..i mean like if ur gonna be a doctor you need to behave like doctor frm 14(thts wht our sir said), this is completely wrong .
Success to me, is wht makes you feel happy, its like when u turn back in life and see wht u have done, you don't regret, rather you feel proud and happy. Success is not equal to money, this is wht i believe, its equal to accomplishing targets which u had set earlier!!! i believe every man who is trying to achieve wht he wants is successful.
“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be”
So there goes a hopefully successful post for the day. And please lemme know if u agree with me or not and wht is success for you!
PS: tht saying is copied one!hahaah
my worst experience.... :(
Guru | 11:42 am | | 3 comments
HI peeps..
Leme just straight jump onto the topic
It was the night when I felt so frustrated, angry, lost and afraid…..frustrated because I was far away frm my house and wid no money in pocket to go back, angry because my watch wasn’t working properly and I still trusted on it, lost because there seem no way for me to get home soon and afraid because it was 10:30 in the night and to make it worse there was no credit in my mobile to call…..
Well it wasn’t a part of my daily routine, I was returning from math tuition and was on time to catch a bus to reach metro station on time before taking the last or second last metro from the metro station. On reaching the bus stop I saw time on my watch and it was 9:45pm and then check the bus timings and the last bus was at 9:50(hufffff a bit of relief). I waited until 9:55 but the bus didn’t come so I started getting a bit nervous it was when I got a call from my dad asking me about my location, So I replied him by giving the information about the bus and also told him that not to send brother to pick me up.
Just before putting down his phone he asked the bus timing again and I said that it might come in 2-3 minutes and then he asked what the time is? I looked at my watch and said 9:55; he didn’t said anything and put down the phone…. But again I got a call from my dad and soon as I pressed the answer key I heard him shouting (maybe talking with my mom.) the first thing I heard was don’t you know how to see time!!! I was shocked and asked why what happened then he said its 10:25 already and you are saying 9:55!!!!and he put down the phone again… But then suddenly I saw a bus coming from the corner and got relief… I tagged my card, took my seat and called my father again to inform him and I could only manage to say that “I got the bus” because there were 0.2 fills in my card but no problem. The bus started to head towards the destination and I started listening to some of fav. Songs but then suddenly it stopped at 1 bus stop and the driver said the worst possible thing “end of service” and kicked every1 out of the bus(although only 2 people were there in the bus..)
Exhausted and frustrated I saw the time table of the buses coming at that stop, I was shock to see that only 2 buses were coming at that stop and out of which 1 would come no more because its time was over and the 1 was to come at 10:30 and it came at the exact time but of no use to me because it will take me further away from my city it came and went in 2 minutes… So, after 2 minutes I found myself roaming alone here and there at the stop with no use and getting angry unnecessarily , traffic signals were opening and the cars were going as if it was traffic cycle, by now I was expecting a call from home so I waited 2-3 minutes but no 1 called…
Finally I got an idea by seeing taxis going freely,finally I took 1 taxi but the doubt was who will pay..The driver was cool and looking innocent and well mannered as he started the conversation with me, I started replying but wasn’t in a mood, as I was getting closer the bill was getting farther and then I got a call from my brother... :D and he told me to wait at the metro station as he was coming there so i told him to wait at the taxi stand and strictly told him not move anywhere…. At last I reached the metro station but the brother was not there… L so, I took a mobile from the driver and gave him a miss call hoping that he replies and replies soon…..
He called back soon and said he’s almost there and within a minute he was there… Looking at his car I came out of the taxi waving my hands towards him and called him and asked him to pay, finally he paid and I thanked the taxi driver but this thank was a special one and at around 11:30 I reached home and convinced my dad somehow by showing those broken parts inside the watch….
The thing to worry for me was also that It was the first time that I was out alone at this time and that too far away from home....
DNA - Da Naturally Awesome!
Ron Parker | 7:44 pm | AGTC, DNA, Fascinating, RNA, U... | 2 comments
Hellos and Histones...
How's your DNA people?
"Deoxyribonucleic acid", as soon as the word struck my drums, I had a feeling that this word is of a whole lot of importance. It was back then, when I was in std 9. When I hear this word now, it only means Fascinating! From the last fifteen days I am being left utterly fascinated by this word called DNA.
Who knew that five alphabets control each and every organism on the planet, AGTC & U. The way you look, feel, walk, talk, and even think is controlled by just the order in which 4 of these 5 alphabets are placed in the DNA of your cell. Every cell in your body has it. Exactly the same. And by the way the DNA maintains the same order for only 6600000000 times per cell. One molecule, just one molecule is what our basic identity is.
The deeper I come to know about moleculer biology, the deeper I feel the meaning of being fascinated. The human body in itself is so diverse yet so basic and mysterious that I go out of words when I learn new things about it. For example, If all the veins and arteries were to put together end-to-end of an Adult Human, they would circle the world 4 times. If all the DNA of one Adult Human were to be stretched and joined end- to-end...It would go and come back from the sun over a 100 times!!!*gulp...Wide-eyed* This is science and the more I study, the more closer I am to GOD. Then why do some people think studying science will keep you away from him.
This makes me think about how could it all have been started? I mean they say earlier it was RNA and not DNA but even then,
how come RNA came to be? Then they say that there were countless number of atoms and particles suspended freely. They collided to each other everynow and then and...CO-INCIDENTLY, some of the compatibles formed this molecule RNA which could replicate itself and thus started a journey called EVOLTION of life. FASCINATING isnt it?
There are still a thousand mysteries about life and it's constituents. I wish to solve some of them, if not all before my DNA's had enough. So with thoughts of embarking on my journey to discoveries and surprises, Sighning off...
Daily Buzz!
Shawrix | 12:29 am | | 1 comments

How many symbol?
Ron Parker | 10:08 pm | | 1 comments
You know what this is?
It's the officially accepted symbol of the INDIAN RUPEE. And let me tell you, you need to be an IIT post-graduate to come up with this symbol. How ironic! The guy who prepared the symbol is an IIT post-graduate.
After some 10,000 selected entries...they sorted out final 5. And from those 5, the cabinet chose the final symbol over which a billion people are destined to fight from now on. A mere combination or the R of the Roman Language and the RA of hindi(or devnagri) with 2 parallels going through it has brought a tinch of twinkle in the eyes of every Indian on the planet. We could soon be having the computer keyboards and the mobile phones too bearing this symbol on their keys.(atleast in the softwares)
Now what surprises me is that they had to take so many entries in and select this as the final one. They could have personally asked me to design one for them and mine wouldn't have been very different because i make the same start to my english and hindi signature...yes...i've got 2 of them!
But never-the-less, no-one would ever ask again if Rs. meant Indian, Pakistani, Sri lankan or the other million countries using rupee as the currency. What this also does is opens the gate for other countries having rupee as their currency to prepare a symbol and submit, and may be spread around this symbolism more...even though I have no-idea as to what the criterias are for doing that.
So this was just an informative small little thing i wanted to share. Just for many countries have got their currency symbols?