Well it has been a long and happening week,with extra classes going and light shortage in Sharjah the whole week.Talking about extra classes...i never thought extra classes would be of so much fun! No...i m not being sarcastic ...they were really fun!...Were because they are ending this Sunday..=l...Well there are many reason for me enjoyin the xtra classes...firstly i understood a whole chapter of physics for the first time...secondly...biology classes were so interesting..that its beginning to alter my future goals...thirdly....Foootball Fever!!...We have so much fun playing with the commerce batch...And the reason for calling it fever is...not the passion but the 50'C..temperature we play in...and get fully drenched.All this fun was surely being ruined partially by chemistry...because i didn't understand a word of it. No problem got the whole month to cover up studies :)..
Hmm the purpose of my post this time is to flame at something...yup...and the unfortunate people this time are the news people....We generally switch on the Tv to watch something random....scroll the channels here and there...61 to 95 , 95 to 05...and we keep going on...then when nothing's good enough to watch...we goto these news channels which sell their masala news...Nup i am not flaming them for mirch masala and stuff...but for some other reason...that is...giving out news reports of Number of people dying...everyday.We generally come across many reports in which they say 50 people died etc etc...i seriously don't like it...There is a reason for this...We get so used to it...that we stop even feeling sorry for the people dying...Because if we saw on the NC 100 people died yesterday then we won't be suprised if we see on the NC that 50 died today...Slowly it will make us hard hearted and careless about lifes of people.It won't really matter to us as it will be our habit to see it on News Channels everyday...i don't know if i am being too critical but this is similar to when termites eat up the wood...We can't see them but they do cause some serious damage.This really takes away the real value of a single life..how precious every single person's life is..
Okay so some people say they tell us about the people dying everyday because they want to inform us about it...well yeah some people actually need to be informed about it...ex-the relatives etc...But it can be done in a more sophisticated way...give out hotline numbers for the accidents and disasters.This way the privacy would also be maintained.And to give out the News they can say 'Many people died' Instead of '200 people ''Died'' '.
I don't know if i am right or wrong, but its just a basic thought in my mind... Give out your thoughts on this topic!

I too think somewhat similar sharq...the channels have left no channels of human emotion for other who die everyday...
They take it as a business and therefore there is not much of a connection when they are giving out a news...they compete to show the killings of people...may be even kill sometimes...who knows?
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