That countdown timer is driving me NUTS! AGH!-highlight

Well its ....Been a week since i wrote something...really busy in Ramdhaan.....As i have written many posts on certain topics in the history of the classroom...this certain post will be about ME ME ME ME ME ME and....ME and dont forget ME....Yup...

The most interesting and Devilish thing is to read someones diary...Why are we all so curious to read someones diary...Its just because they write their secrets..Lol..and we read them to make use of em HAHAHHAA *evil laugh*...

People writing diaries are pretty interesting as they get one more thing to protect besides their life and property..its like sitting on a TNT whilst holding a candle....Once someone reads your diary! BOOM! You feel naked...Lol!...Like someone stripped you off your clothes...just like in stripping parties...hmm...Ahem goin off track...
No i don't have a diary ..nor i wish to write one...i have many other things to write...

So i am going to officially release My Factoid 2010..With my personal and public facts!

Daaaa Daddaaa!
*Ceremony starts*

*Cuts the Electric wire*

1)  Okay Here goes....I still watch cartoons...Hmph..Yeah i had to admit that...

2) Zecccond...I can Laugh at anytime you want....even if you wake me up by throwing a bucketful of water and tell me to laugh...My funny bone finds everything funny :l

3) Turd....I talk to myself ..most of the time o_o...

4) Hate people who say ''Aur Suna Yaar''...Kyaa aaaaa ab Kuch nahi hai sunane ko!

5) I am really really scared of Spiders...Call that a phobia or anything...

6) If i come to know that someone is deliberately trying to make me angry or jealous i act just the opposite.

7) I have several nicks most of which you already know..but..this one...Lala (Thats what my mom calls me when i am being stubborn)

8) After Rajesh's post of loving things..i still haven't figured which thing i love the most...O_O...Blank...

9) I get angry at the most odd things...

10) I categorise people in my mind automaticly ...even if i dont try to...

11) Most Angry moment : Though i get angry...but not that much...

12) Most happiest moment : India won t20? Lol :P...too many of them !...

13) Biggest fear : Being hated by anyone

14) Goal in life : Sneaking till i get a big oppurtunity to run off!

16) I love the most : My Religion and My Country, My Parents! Yipee!

17) I tease my mom by saying ill marry one girl from  every nation and she starts counselling me before i tell her that i am just kidding.

18) I am a person obsessed about marriage

19) Something which makes me laugh : Horror shows on Tv,Comedy shows..

20) I admit to act like a 7 year old sometimes..make me lose all the tension.

So thats what i could think about myself and i tried to be Honest about it!....
                                   My Factoid 2010 All lefts reserved.
                     All the facts belong to its owner and he                                        can freakin change them anytime.




Ron Parker said...

lol with a candle on tnt...good one! But you forgot a few the eagle flight...weeeeeeee! and the hairdo in front of a bunch of girls...but never the less...good to know a few more things...