It has been 63 years...

Well i have been away for a while and had been posting some silly videos with ma clone and stuff ...Actually i am a lil occupied these days...With ramzaan going on routine is messed up..i don't know when i am gonna sleep...Plus i had to do alot of record work >_<...Whenver my phone rings i always take it as a alarm ring..cause i am most probably sleeping much of the time...

Okay lets come to the topic!! Its my beloved country's independence day!...India got freedom from british today and it was a remarkable acheivement by the Indians.This is the day when british left India and we got our own government and constitution...Blegh..i am beginning to sound like a poltical leader...So I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day!..And as Pakistan get to celebrate it earlier..I wish them too a
Happy Independence Day!..

Slavery and being caged in your own home never felt good to anyone..But the british did make some remarkable changes in India...though they were coming from wrong exploiting people.

Ramadhaan has commenced and all the muslims are observing fasts..But as they say fasting brings spirtuality and patience..its absolutely correct from what i have experienced..a person in ramadhaan not only comes closer to God but also learns how it feels to be deprived of food and to patiently wait to break the fast..Its all unexplainable..a great experience..Moreover people become more lively..Even if you go out at 2 am you will see people going somewhere or just sitting and eating something ..its like people start giving themselves more time out of nowhere..People can also easily lose some permanent addiction's such as smoking and you cannot drink it the whole day..but it also depends on the person if he really wants to give it up..

Well Ramadaan kareem to all of you ...
and a Happy Independence Day! Wohooo!@$#%%#  We are freee! *jumps out of the window*


Mustafa said...

yoohoo happy independence day!!!!!!! people are free to hurl shoes at politicians.....maybe thats what independence is!