Holla blogon(it's time I used it again)... How's it bean? If anyone failed to notice...the last post of ours by Mustafa was the 100th post on this site and we are very proud of how the things have build up and how we have grown post by post. So here's an account of things that have gone by... The name Anthropists...many people asked me, what does it mean and how did it come about? Well...if you use Google and fail to find the meaning of this word, it's not your fault neither Google's but it's an accident that took place on 1st of Jan 2010. Let me take it to the beginning of things... We all sat down and planned for an organized blogging platform to share our genuine thoughts about different topics. Thankfully no one had a second opinion and all 5 of us (me, sharq, guru, YK and musti) agreed to it in a flash. But where do we start...a very big question...there are so many sites that provide you with blogging platform...and well, they left it on to me to find a site and start blogging... I went through all of them, bigadda, wordpress and ofc blogger etc and couldn't actually decide on one. I went straight up to Google & searched the word "blog" deciding that the first blogging site that appears is what I am going to select. And it's anybody's guess which one landed up... Now then...site done...what about the all important domain name? I had a word in my mind from a long time which meant "study of humanity" & it exactly summed up the thought process behind us joining hands to write...the word is called "ANTHROPOLOGY" and the exact one which I wanted to coin was ANTHROPOLOGISTS, and guess what?...I miss-spelt it as ANTHROPISTS(don't ask me why...it just landed up)...after I wrote and published our first post came to notice the irony and as things go by...I let it be...so this is something which very few people actually know about... We never really expected people to come and read our stuff but a soul called Lazy18(where are you?...:'( ...) was the first commenter we found on the first post and were utterly glad and surprised...and then of course people like Shafiq khan, pragya and aditi kapoor joined in and we soon had quite a number of followers for a relatively new blog... And of course...the countdown up to 100 hasn't been easy at all...full of bumpiness and surprises and a whole lot of emotions coming out...there have been funny, sarcastic, intellectual, emotional, dramatis tic, soulful, inspiring and even some not so good posts but all in all...when I look back...I feel proud and joyous...maybe this is what someone might call a success! But this is just the beginning...isn't it? In hope of continuation and assurance of stuff better to come...signing off...
The beginning…
Ron Parker | 11:30 pm | | 3 comments
Mustafa Khan | 12:52 am | | 2 comments
So, Whats up peepz?, huh.. just burning in the heat of Dubai(actully me too). Holidays and nothin to do but procrastinate...this vacation is just turning out to be my dream life! Tommorow, paji is going to UK, lucky fella gets to escape this burning desert.
I was wondering abt this so called "SUCCESS" mantra, i mean like people are just starting to think success as a recipe or maybe a computer program. Well this whole thing got started when our english teacher or perhaps our english trainer(thts wat he calls himself) started this topic on the very last day of summer school.
It all started when he distributed some worksheets abt writing a Factual description, well it was a normal class except a few people talking, I was sitting on the last bench and just staring at this worksheet. All of a sudden our english sir started speaking, and he said look im a face reader and i have read your faces ..haha, i watched this class frm past 15 mins and all except one have wasted their time, he was like im the only one who read the paper and this is my quality. I was happy, but all of a sudden our beloved sir started this whole conversation abt "SUCCESS" and now he was criticizing each and every student of class, then the students of school and then the students of dubai and then the whole common people world. He was like the successful people have this quality and tht quality and blah, blah, blah,....
So the moral of the story is tht people now are starting to think success as recipe or a program, tht if u operate or write the correct sequences you will be successful! Huh..i mean like if ur gonna be a doctor you need to behave like doctor frm 14(thts wht our sir said), this is completely wrong .
Success to me, is wht makes you feel happy, its like when u turn back in life and see wht u have done, you don't regret, rather you feel proud and happy. Success is not equal to money, this is wht i believe, its equal to accomplishing targets which u had set earlier!!! i believe every man who is trying to achieve wht he wants is successful.
“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be”
So there goes a hopefully successful post for the day. And please lemme know if u agree with me or not and wht is success for you!
PS: tht saying is copied one!hahaah
my worst experience.... :(
Guru | 11:42 am | | 3 comments
HI peeps..
Leme just straight jump onto the topic
It was the night when I felt so frustrated, angry, lost and afraid…..frustrated because I was far away frm my house and wid no money in pocket to go back, angry because my watch wasn’t working properly and I still trusted on it, lost because there seem no way for me to get home soon and afraid because it was 10:30 in the night and to make it worse there was no credit in my mobile to call…..
Well it wasn’t a part of my daily routine, I was returning from math tuition and was on time to catch a bus to reach metro station on time before taking the last or second last metro from the metro station. On reaching the bus stop I saw time on my watch and it was 9:45pm and then check the bus timings and the last bus was at 9:50(hufffff a bit of relief). I waited until 9:55 but the bus didn’t come so I started getting a bit nervous it was when I got a call from my dad asking me about my location, So I replied him by giving the information about the bus and also told him that not to send brother to pick me up.
Just before putting down his phone he asked the bus timing again and I said that it might come in 2-3 minutes and then he asked what the time is? I looked at my watch and said 9:55; he didn’t said anything and put down the phone…. But again I got a call from my dad and soon as I pressed the answer key I heard him shouting (maybe talking with my mom.) the first thing I heard was don’t you know how to see time!!! I was shocked and asked why what happened then he said its 10:25 already and you are saying 9:55!!!!and he put down the phone again… But then suddenly I saw a bus coming from the corner and got relief… I tagged my card, took my seat and called my father again to inform him and I could only manage to say that “I got the bus” because there were 0.2 fills in my card but no problem. The bus started to head towards the destination and I started listening to some of fav. Songs but then suddenly it stopped at 1 bus stop and the driver said the worst possible thing “end of service” and kicked every1 out of the bus(although only 2 people were there in the bus..)
Exhausted and frustrated I saw the time table of the buses coming at that stop, I was shock to see that only 2 buses were coming at that stop and out of which 1 would come no more because its time was over and the 1 was to come at 10:30 and it came at the exact time but of no use to me because it will take me further away from my city it came and went in 2 minutes… So, after 2 minutes I found myself roaming alone here and there at the stop with no use and getting angry unnecessarily , traffic signals were opening and the cars were going as if it was traffic cycle, by now I was expecting a call from home so I waited 2-3 minutes but no 1 called…
Finally I got an idea by seeing taxis going freely,finally I took 1 taxi but the doubt was who will pay..The driver was cool and looking innocent and well mannered as he started the conversation with me, I started replying but wasn’t in a mood, as I was getting closer the bill was getting farther and then I got a call from my brother... :D and he told me to wait at the metro station as he was coming there so i told him to wait at the taxi stand and strictly told him not move anywhere…. At last I reached the metro station but the brother was not there… L so, I took a mobile from the driver and gave him a miss call hoping that he replies and replies soon…..
He called back soon and said he’s almost there and within a minute he was there… Looking at his car I came out of the taxi waving my hands towards him and called him and asked him to pay, finally he paid and I thanked the taxi driver but this thank was a special one and at around 11:30 I reached home and convinced my dad somehow by showing those broken parts inside the watch….
The thing to worry for me was also that It was the first time that I was out alone at this time and that too far away from home....
DNA - Da Naturally Awesome!
Ron Parker | 7:44 pm | AGTC, DNA, Fascinating, RNA, U... | 2 comments
Hellos and Histones...
How's your DNA people?
"Deoxyribonucleic acid", as soon as the word struck my drums, I had a feeling that this word is of a whole lot of importance. It was back then, when I was in std 9. When I hear this word now, it only means Fascinating! From the last fifteen days I am being left utterly fascinated by this word called DNA.
Who knew that five alphabets control each and every organism on the planet, AGTC & U. The way you look, feel, walk, talk, and even think is controlled by just the order in which 4 of these 5 alphabets are placed in the DNA of your cell. Every cell in your body has it. Exactly the same. And by the way the DNA maintains the same order for only 6600000000 times per cell. One molecule, just one molecule is what our basic identity is.
The deeper I come to know about moleculer biology, the deeper I feel the meaning of being fascinated. The human body in itself is so diverse yet so basic and mysterious that I go out of words when I learn new things about it. For example, If all the veins and arteries were to put together end-to-end of an Adult Human, they would circle the world 4 times. If all the DNA of one Adult Human were to be stretched and joined end- to-end...It would go and come back from the sun over a 100 times!!!*gulp...Wide-eyed* This is science and the more I study, the more closer I am to GOD. Then why do some people think studying science will keep you away from him.
This makes me think about how could it all have been started? I mean they say earlier it was RNA and not DNA but even then,
how come RNA came to be? Then they say that there were countless number of atoms and particles suspended freely. They collided to each other everynow and then and...CO-INCIDENTLY, some of the compatibles formed this molecule RNA which could replicate itself and thus started a journey called EVOLTION of life. FASCINATING isnt it?
There are still a thousand mysteries about life and it's constituents. I wish to solve some of them, if not all before my DNA's had enough. So with thoughts of embarking on my journey to discoveries and surprises, Sighning off...
Daily Buzz!
Shawrix | 12:29 am | | 1 comments

How many symbol?
Ron Parker | 10:08 pm | | 1 comments
You know what this is?
It's the officially accepted symbol of the INDIAN RUPEE. And let me tell you, you need to be an IIT post-graduate to come up with this symbol. How ironic! The guy who prepared the symbol is an IIT post-graduate.
After some 10,000 selected entries...they sorted out final 5. And from those 5, the cabinet chose this...as the final symbol over which a billion people are destined to fight from now on. A mere combination or the R of the Roman Language and the RA of hindi(or devnagri) with 2 parallels going through it has brought a tinch of twinkle in the eyes of every Indian on the planet. We could soon be having the computer keyboards and the mobile phones too bearing this symbol on their keys.(atleast in the softwares)
Now what surprises me is that they had to take so many entries in and select this as the final one. They could have personally asked me to design one for them and mine wouldn't have been very different because i make the same start to my english and hindi signature...yes...i've got 2 of them!
But never-the-less, no-one would ever ask again if Rs. meant Indian, Pakistani, Sri lankan or the other million countries using rupee as the currency. What this also does is opens the gate for other countries having rupee as their currency to prepare a symbol and submit, and may be spread around this symbolism more...even though I have no-idea as to what the criterias are for doing that.
So this was just an informative small little thing i wanted to share. Just for GK...how many countries have got their currency symbols?
Soap Serials = Brain-'Wash' You!
Shawrix | 3:08 pm | | 3 comments
How are you, O reader, sent by the almighty! :P
Man these soap serials are getting on my nerves.Every other girl in India and in Uae is busy watching these serials.Whats so specials about these soap serials? ...I fail to understand..They just create some ha holla...and stretch the serial like a babol gum....for 5-6 years!..But after all its all about money ,TRP's ..and the public is only fooled.
The women are so addicted to these serials that they would miss their husbands birthday but the time of the serials is like fevicoled in their memory.They would fight for the remote till their last breathe! :P...Nightmare for us males if something good was going to come on Tv.They watch it with such interest OMG!...They start to think that the family shown in the serial is a real one...they start liking the positive role and hating the negative role.They start hating the negative role to such extent that if he is found lurking somewhere in some Mall then he's dead.See the psychological effects that these serials bring about in women.They start to compare their family with the serials family!..and husbands are the one that are tortured the most :P
Pshh! the serials!
- The serial goes on for like 8-10 years minimum...the producer dies...but the women playing the role of a grandma is still alive nd happy...even if her daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter is also born...she will be seen happy with the same face!
- No character dies unless he is bored of the serial and has to leave.But! if he wants to return he can return even if he died after falling from a 66000 ft valley...that is planned by the writer who is the biggest dumbo on this earth.
- The women shown in the serials are so heavily loaded :P...with jewellery that it looks like the family has found a gold mine underneath their house.
- Some or the other member of the family in the serial is kept aside to make him the negative role in the future.
- 99% of the marriages in these serials are against the will of both the future partners.
- In most of the happy occasions something bad will happen which will result in big tamasha!
- The special 1 hour-episodes are made just because their are too many episodes to be shown..
- The best actor award goes to the one who allowed his wife to do anything in the serial.
- The best female actor goes to the one who cried throughout the lifetime of the serial.
- If the serials popularity is going down the writer kills the character in the serial to get attention.
Producers note : We are happy to announce the 10th birthday of our serial...its been 10 long years and we will continue to please the audience unless and until we keep getting Advertisments (Although we know how to get em).

Thats it for this week...meet you same time same place next week!

I have a sixth sense...Is it by fluke?
Guru | 3:52 pm | etc, fluke, goldy, pencil, sixth sense | 1 comments
Could I be called an OPINIONIST?
Ron Parker | 8:42 pm | analysis, guru, lazy18, ME, Mustafa, posts, Shariq, writing style, Yusuf | 2 comments
Hitler, Nukes And India ♥!
Shawrix | 5:52 am | | 2 comments
Hello Peeepz!
Guys! People are so complicated that they cannot be judged just by reading about them in newspapers or listening to the word of the mouth...I mean...there are so many chemicals in our brain that the reactions never end! And it leads to so many natures at once.So we end up in different moods...sometimes we are so bitchy or sometimes so sweet!
I just read that Hitler was a teacher and a great painter.Hmmm ...how can a mass murderer be a painter? ..I mean painting requires alot of creativeness, patience, hardwork.I didnt see any of these in him.
(Sarcastic view)
Creativeness...Well yeah he sure was creative when he told during the holocaust that jews should dig their own graves and get shot in their head.
Patience...Hmm who told him to be so stubborn and allow japan to attack pearl harbour when they were still struggling with the U.S.S.R.
Hardwork....Yeah he sure is hardworking he lost 23million soldiers and he himself just told others to fight.
How do these both natures combine? ...Killing millions of people and being a painter...?...Just imagine him painting..on one side and bodies of all those jews on the other.Weird huh? ..
Shhhh Hitler is painting! :O
Hitler : Lalalalalala, how to make those leaves..?...hmmm...
Well that time was really the worse of all.While Hitler was having fun
And then Japan the great thought ok lets play pokey pokey with USA and the themselves got poked in the eye.Well i don't think that nuclear strike on japan was a good decision at all.Why do common people had to pay the price of the war started by few stupid leaders?!...This was a cruel decision by USA.
But what do you guys think was it correct to strike japan like that? There were many other plans on the table..
Ok lemme ask one thing Whats the use of these nuclear weapons?...Once one of these countries drops a nuclear bomb in any other country it will lead to a nuclear warfare and then..all the countries will exchange nuclear bomb-strikes like pineapples cakes given on christmas.
Apart from all this Politics It has started raining in India and its so good to see monsoon arriving over there.Well it was really hot today in UAE so it was a relief to see that cold wet moist climate of Delhi on TV.
I really love monsoon season now...i used to hate it earlier.Thats because when i was in India...i had a great passion for flying kites..and it always used to rain during the evening; that is my kite flying time.And i used to hate it so much!! But i love it now....♥

1) Wind storms during may-june
2) Shaadi's =alot of fun.
3) Chaat..ka thela (lol)
4) Drinking Sugarcane juice on the side of the road.
5) Jaagte rahoon ...at 2am.
6) Mango's!
And the list continues! But i am off to sleep for now!
Take care guys!
The real problem...
Mustafa Khan | 8:44 pm | | 2 comments
Let’s all underline our noses!
Ron Parker | 1:59 am | | 3 comments
Namoustache! Today's topic is quiet mushy…very delicate and poky even uncomfortable for some, Moustaches…Familiar word? The facial hair just above the lips and below the nose when left to grow… end up as a Moustache! A rarity these days in many countries though wherever Indians, Pakistanis and sub-continent people reside…it can be found. It's usually black or even white for some aged people. History Well the history goes long long way back when man used to live in a cave and had no knowledge about shredding his facial hairs(as a matter of fact, anywhere on the body..:P). They naturally had to have long bushy faces. Then came the Shaving tools, the most important tool of make-up for men. He started removing them. Slowly they started looking nice as well as weird. Because women said that the men without facial hairs were not quiet the MEN. And from then on moustaches came to be known as the symbol of manhood. Everybody had them. In India as well, they have a rich history with the british rulers and the rich maharajas, all bore them with pride. There have been many greats who always had it like, Mahatma Gandhi, M. Luther King, Lech Walesa, Charlie Chaplin, Einstein etc.(Does anyone remember Super Mario?) Why should the modern men turn back? In the modern era though…men without moustaches have overtaken the population of the once with them. But I feel men should start keeping moustaches again. It brings so much more variety and even a greater dimension in their looks. I mean it used to be an important part of a man. It should be given one more chance. If taken seriously, It could turn into a revolution in men's fashion. There would be moustache caring products in the market and specially developed trimmers. The barbers would start earning more. They can learn a lot of new things and even invent a few. The world would become so much more differentiable. Black, brown, grey , blonde and so many other shades of moustaches we can develop! Benefits Conclusion The first question that might pop out after reading this in your minds is, Well Yes, I was planning for it from a month or so and finally I have managed to grow a nice graceful moustache. Everybody who has seen it till now has complemented me and that's the reason I have decided to write about them today. So my fellow MEN!(not having one) GROW UP!
Shawrix | 1:19 am | | 2 comments
Beware m very random today...-_-
Sittin in front of your laptop with nothing on your mind except to sleep and have good dreams and to wake up when you wish.Great feelin isn't it...? Yup it is...because today my exams are finally over and i am excited.You might be wondering that why my style of typing doesn't show that m exicted that is because i am tired. Yep...i am tired...i am tired of mugging up physics last minute, i am tired of yawning in my english exam.I ain;t complaining about anything at all...but its just we hav'nt gotten a real vacation since april.They say okay...guys there's a good news and a bad news..The good news is that you have 10 holidays and the bad news is you have to come for 5 days for extra classes.Talk about being sarcastic.
I know 12th was gonna be like getting shot from point zero range...but CAMOOOON! ...We are humans!...Wait ...........yeah we are humans!...wE need rest..we sleep.Now they kept extra classes this month also......in 51*C!!
Changing the topic...i was wondering why people stop fights that happen in midst of the street...i am not being selfish or anything..but i am just trying to point out a fact...Well in my place in india...when you try to stop a fight you get beaten by both parties.You might think what a bloody selfish guy...=.=...But for your info the both parties fighting are well prepared..and you are not..you just go in there and try to act as an angel from heaven..BAD IDEA....you will get 2 jabs from 1st party and 1 kick and 2 smacks on your butt from the 2nd one...So keep this in mind before indulging into any party fights.
I Don't know why people of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, are victims of English.I mean If the europeans can refuse to talk in english then why do we try to express ourselves in english.Why dont we try to speak in our own language in the first place before learning to speak english.I'll get it straight...When some peepz of the asian subcontinent do not know english its regarded as a shame...But when these Germans, French, Swedish,Spanish, ..Speak in their own language its regarded as a great thing and people want to learn their language.You goto Spain and try to talk to anyone..if you talk in English...they will be like WTF ARE YOU SAYING! Not 90% but like 75-80 speak Spanish.I am also a victim of this and still trying to figure out why..Well atleast these arabs are still ahead in this field.
Someone please abolish english after 10th class...its getting on my nerves...TOEFL proficiency test etc etc..I mean yeah we know english...why should we study again and again! And why are we studying Notices, letters, messages from past 6 years!!!...i never used em but to write apology letters to mah principal.
GEt creative people teach them SMS!...EMAILS....BLOG writing BLAH!...grow up..humph...I'll try to get a poster from somewhere that says ''I R KNOW PERFECT ENGLISH U NO TEACH''