How are you, O reader, sent by the almighty! :P
Man these soap serials are getting on my nerves.Every other girl in India and in Uae is busy watching these serials.Whats so specials about these soap serials? ...I fail to understand..They just create some ha holla...and stretch the serial like a babol gum....for 5-6 years!..But after all its all about money ,TRP's ..and the public is only fooled.
The women are so addicted to these serials that they would miss their husbands birthday but the time of the serials is like fevicoled in their memory.They would fight for the remote till their last breathe! :P...Nightmare for us males if something good was going to come on Tv.They watch it with such interest OMG!...They start to think that the family shown in the serial is a real one...they start liking the positive role and hating the negative role.They start hating the negative role to such extent that if he is found lurking somewhere in some Mall then he's dead.See the psychological effects that these serials bring about in women.They start to compare their family with the serials family!..and husbands are the one that are tortured the most :P
Pshh! the serials!
- The serial goes on for like 8-10 years minimum...the producer dies...but the women playing the role of a grandma is still alive nd happy...even if her daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter is also born...she will be seen happy with the same face!
- No character dies unless he is bored of the serial and has to leave.But! if he wants to return he can return even if he died after falling from a 66000 ft valley...that is planned by the writer who is the biggest dumbo on this earth.
- The women shown in the serials are so heavily loaded :P...with jewellery that it looks like the family has found a gold mine underneath their house.
- Some or the other member of the family in the serial is kept aside to make him the negative role in the future.
- 99% of the marriages in these serials are against the will of both the future partners.
- In most of the happy occasions something bad will happen which will result in big tamasha!
- The special 1 hour-episodes are made just because their are too many episodes to be shown..
- The best actor award goes to the one who allowed his wife to do anything in the serial.
- The best female actor goes to the one who cried throughout the lifetime of the serial.
- If the serials popularity is going down the writer kills the character in the serial to get attention.
Producers note : We are happy to announce the 10th birthday of our serial...its been 10 long years and we will continue to please the audience unless and until we keep getting Advertisments (Although we know how to get em).

Thats it for this week...meet you same time same place next week!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! that BY FAR has to be the FINNIEST thing you've EVER written!..lmao and JUST so you know..i don't watch serials:P..lol but i do know what u mean about women addicted to it...i have my aunt do that..lol..and i must say kudos for a very excellent analysis:P
ps: cutest crush story i have ever heard :D
AMAZING...lolzzz nicely n very true written abt daily soaps....acc to me these soaps shld b banned by national government n all de producers shld b inside de bars fo almost a month it made ma granny addicted like hell...i hate daily soaps to de core...amazing analysis...:)....this is one of de excellent post in classroom....
awesome post...gud work...keep it up...... ur style of writing is definately unmatched and also dat u are a good learner and tend to grasp any peice of literature and nt jus dat ,use it too .....bt one thing abt this post which to me is a bit awkward is merging of two nt related topic...something u did in ur last post too...it actually seems to destroy the charm of the initial topic....i jus think dat the post should be more focussed and ya it shud end when its charm is at its peak.... and ya its jus my point of veiw...it nt necessarily be right...
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