Hai Lo!
Random Question:- Why dont they use Violet Aqua and Light blue instead of Red Yellow Green in Traffic Signals?
I was thinkin this morning that embarrassment or getting embarrassed is a very weird or i must say different kind of feelin.Some people laugh it out or just smile or some just become plain grumpy! :(.Well i do laugh it out but you can feel some kind of unknown vibes going through your body when you get embarrased .And it happens all of a sudden.Yeah most of the time i got embarrassed was a sudden death for me, it came out of nowhere!.Hehe, Whatdaya expect anyways! A person comin in quietly with big eyes and a straight face and whispers in your ear with a horrifying voice "Your zip is open''!Haha!..imagine that happenin...this person would surely be one of the members of the Adams family i think...hmmm..zzzzzzz....Coming back to the topic..i derail my own post so magnificently...
Yeaaah so you might be thinking that why i am talking or writing about being embarrassed this much!..
There is a tale of two kingdoms behind this...No No...its just a incident which happened with me which is still like a chocolate icecream in my mind.So ima gonna narrate this incident for you so hang on and put on your seat belts incase we have a emergency landing...Lemme take you back to the past in my time capsule!
Disclamer : All characters appearing in this work are not fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely meant to happen.
♫{Beethoven (fur elise) music}♫ ---Year :- 1987...nah 2005, Class-8th, Place- India, Address- Google earth is your best friend.---
I was engrossed in my deep thoughts when the bell rang *Tringgggggggg*..i came to know that my science class has gotten over successfully..without me being caught for sleeping.I managed to stop day dreaming and looked towards my left..i saw a row full of girls talking and laughing as usual...i sighed.. and asked my friend bilal who was sitting right next to me ''Why these science classes are getting so boring these days?'' He replied ''Maybe you are more intrested in the girls 'these days'...?'' He tried his best always to associate me with any of the girls in the class, because he was a good friend? Nope he just wanted to see me trapped in the midst of a love triangle and i knew that well.I said to him in a old fashioned manner ''knock it off man,i am here to study not to make girlfriends'' He replied in a cunning voice ''You always lie to me...'' i could'nt reply as our computer teacher came in the class.All the students started begging to goto the computer lab ...including me...well it was not a big deal really but i just couldn't survive sitting in the class doing nothing the whole day.--Except looking at girls.

I was so busy in grooming myself that i completely missed out the girls sitting just behind the mirror that too in a horizontal row and all of them were looking and laughing at me...*sigh* They were giggling and hi5ing each other like they just saw nicholas cage wearing winnie -the- pooh boxers.What happened to me after that? Well in such situations there's only one thing that comes in your mind, that is...Shit... and your brain says to you ''what did you do damnit?'', ''You have eyes or buttons! why did'nt you see them?!''.And as for me i just moved on quietly with red cheeks and a smile full of embarrassment.
I do know i would have looked really funny at that time...You know why i know that? because i could hear their laughter even with all the windows and doors closed. :P
Music switched off!
HAHAHAHHAHA!!!..lmao..this is JUST what i needed to read to relax. some one elses humiliation. lol jokin. hehe wow shariq you've really improved, ur style has become soooooo much better and the use of sarcsam is excellent. good work bucha. keep it up. loved it :)
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