Hay mates!
Yes finally i brought the copyrights for 'Hay'.No no! Don't close this window! this post isn't about greeting others..or some weird kind of research, but its about warning others, this post will benefit many people altogether.

Next morning....i opened my eyes ......shook my legs ....but the upper part of my body refused to move.I was in deep shock...my both hands were like a rusted iron part in a machine which makes alot of noise while it moves.i somehow got up with my hands still not moving...literally....they were like fixed in only one position...i tried to move them ..but the pain caused...really didnt allow me to do that, I used to try my best to scratch my nose and i would end of scratchin my ears.I could not do anything the whole day...the funny thing was ...i was having my food as i was beaten by 15 arab boys that had muscles like mike tyson.I somehow passed 3 days and the pain 'started' to reduce a bit.It was a experience i will never forget...
Moral of the story : Hmm ...so if you have never worked out with heavy dumbells please take it easy the first time.
Thank you
lmao..this is just how i started. my bro made me do push up's and i was like yea sure bring it on. next day my arms felt like tons..good side? i can puch a person that will make em remember for the rest of their lives. and dumbells, my exercise with them is just dragging my brother's 8kg dumbells from my room to his and then back.lol exercise done! :)
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