Not an easy thing staying away from blogging. But YES! I have done it!
Some people would have been LOLING where on earth have I disappeared?
HELLO mates! I'm here.. Did not write a post for long, not that i was bored but for the fact that i was very HAPPY THESE DAYS.. did not feel like making you people go crazy with my wild, weird and out of this world thoughts.
Now, i have not been such a grate fan of these T.V shows. Specially these SAAS-BAHU drama!
There is a world war-3 going on in my house on this SAAS-BAHU drama's! (SAAS-BAHU dramas are actually 30minutes CAT-FIGHT shows involving other animals like husbands and brothers etc.. )
My mother never ever ever misses any shots of these dramas. she is always in front of the T.V with her hands busy cutting vegetables.. Full day serials, serials and serials no one can dare to interfere in her business! No sports channel No news channel but only channels that show DRAMAS like: star tv, zee tv, colours, ndtv imagine etc. Me and my mom are always fighting over the remote! There is a cold-war going on between the two of us! Lets me elaborate this a little more..
There is an incident that i want to tell you guys. Imagine INDIA-PAKISTAN cricket match going on! i soooo badly wanted to watch it. I could have watched it on my laptop but NO, ego problem!
I had to watch it that to on the T.V. On the other side mom's serials on its full form. I came in the living room and sat on the couch. My mom in the kitchen,even though she was not watching it but she could hear it as she told me. I said:
YK: INDIA-PAKISTAN match going on!!! pleaseeeeeeeeee reamoteeeeee!!!! I beg you.
MOM: NO! I'm hearing the serials.
YK: what kinda logic is that? not watching but hearing!
MOM: yah.. go study!
(imagine how frustrated and irritated i would have been!)
so my last attempt.. with full emotional feelings and dialogs.
YK: maa, only score! I just want to see the score! Nothing more i desire..
MOM: Alright only 30seconds! Take the remote.
I took the remote and as soon as i touched it. The devil in me just appeared from nowhere, and said
BAD ONE: "hey ya ass! what the fish maaan, ya don hav 2 be so nice to her! she dont let ya watch tv.. do somfin baaad!!"
On the other side the good YK with a ring on the head says
GOOD ONE: "my child, she is your mother! be nice to her!"
BAD ONE: "get lost you good peace of shit! ill give you a poke with me tri-poking weapon!"
It took me 10 seconds to delete all her serial channels! :) YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Felt like all over, i won the BATTLE!! fire crackers all over! yehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! what a way to end the war!
But never expected, what was about to happen..
I deleted all your channels! I WON YES!! I WON YES!!

MOM: what?
MOM: nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(NO) you stay there ill kill you!! wait im coming!!
DAMN she came out with her BELAN (chapati roller).
I was like shit, shit, shit RUNNNNN! bhagoooooooooooooo............
Me in front she behind with belan in her hand.. Me jumping all over in the house. shit no place to run or hide! so i rushed towards the door and unlocked it faster then i ever could!
I ran in the corridor of the building and she still behind me! Lucky she not faster then me.. haha
as i opened the door of the stair case BANG! she fired the belan at me! but yah lucky again she could not aim good.. thank god she did not watch cricket or else the belan would have been on my head! and me in hospital with she sitting beside me watching serials in the hospital!ahhh!!
so i ran away, and my small brother threw my shoes from the window as i was barefoot. duhhh..
5 longs hours i was away. while she waiting for me to enter. so that she could skin me alive!
Father supported me alot he told me to stay out! I came home at around 2am while she was asleep.
Next day the channels were back on track. Another war!!
cheers.. bye for now!
Haha great post man.Thumps up to yah! :D
great way of staying out of the house ... Yusuf!...nicely written...keep it up!
gud one...yusuf..nice post, hope i was der to see you being beaten up!!
hiya.....hilarious and funny da way you wrote it and im jus keeping ma fingers crossed for the next war!!!
HAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!...that was definately your best one EVER!! had me holding my stomach i was laughing so you
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