Hello Anthropists and our followers...
Its been a long, long, long time since i ever posted anything on the blog, so here i am pulling up my socks and getting started...
I have a lot to tell, and by lot i mean a very very lot(just joking)
Firstly, Its been almost two freakingly long months since the boards, yea, I know this is all old school talk, but still, you know... what you don't know? Forget it.
When i think boards, i think result, and when i think result, i see a blue screen and a roll number input box... and when i see that, it scares the hell outta me. And to top it all, there seems to be no end to the infinite predictions of the CBSE Result dates. C'mon Guys, its not funny when you predict a certain date and the students go all bamboozled over it.
Secondly, The AIEEE, this one's a biggie, I was preparing for the exam for a month, trying my best to keep calm and then i sit in the examination hall, start attempting those tempting questions(which by the way were very rare on the paper) and a big mustached man enters the room, like military colonel, and cancels the paper..... what? what do you mean cancel the paper? Its not your wedding which you cancel anytime you want, its a freaking entrance exam!. Time passes by and then they send us back into the halls for the exam, after a complete havoc stricken 2 hours and.....
You see the same paper!!! But that was supposed to be cancelled! No baby, its AIEEE, you write whatever you get, did you listen to that Mister! So, how can you expect a person like me, who is so nervous at time that he bites of his neighbors fingers, to do well in the exam?
Thirdly, din't you guys notice anything new in your address bar when you are on the Class-room page? Yeah go on, type in wwww.anthropists.tk
Yes you are right. We have our own domain name!! yay!! Isn't that a good news?. So in happiness, people lets spread the word and make as many people as we can read the mania of complete randomness - The Anthropists
That's it for the day and remember that you have been KHANIZED!!
Its been a long, long, long time since i ever posted anything on the blog, so here i am pulling up my socks and getting started...
I have a lot to tell, and by lot i mean a very very lot(just joking)
Firstly, Its been almost two freakingly long months since the boards, yea, I know this is all old school talk, but still, you know... what you don't know? Forget it.
When i think boards, i think result, and when i think result, i see a blue screen and a roll number input box... and when i see that, it scares the hell outta me. And to top it all, there seems to be no end to the infinite predictions of the CBSE Result dates. C'mon Guys, its not funny when you predict a certain date and the students go all bamboozled over it.
Secondly, The AIEEE, this one's a biggie, I was preparing for the exam for a month, trying my best to keep calm and then i sit in the examination hall, start attempting those tempting questions(which by the way were very rare on the paper) and a big mustached man enters the room, like military colonel, and cancels the paper..... what? what do you mean cancel the paper? Its not your wedding which you cancel anytime you want, its a freaking entrance exam!. Time passes by and then they send us back into the halls for the exam, after a complete havoc stricken 2 hours and.....
You see the same paper!!! But that was supposed to be cancelled! No baby, its AIEEE, you write whatever you get, did you listen to that Mister! So, how can you expect a person like me, who is so nervous at time that he bites of his neighbors fingers, to do well in the exam?
Thirdly, din't you guys notice anything new in your address bar when you are on the Class-room page? Yeah go on, type in wwww.anthropists.tk
Yes you are right. We have our own domain name!! yay!! Isn't that a good news?. So in happiness, people lets spread the word and make as many people as we can read the mania of complete randomness - The Anthropists
That's it for the day and remember that you have been KHANIZED!!
oho kya baat hai...new style of writing!..nd new domain..wowz wowz :d
Masti's back and back with a bang!!!!
awesome post and great new style, the best so far....(Y)
wow! we got a domain of our own ahaan feels great!...:)
Gracias for using my money wisely...;)
bamboozled!!!!!!! keep up the good work...and do write more often!!!
KHANIZED...haha...beware of using such words masti...obama is still on the look out for pathans! lol
anyways...happy tht you purchased the thing and made good use of OUR MONEY...paji!...just keep posting...tht's it
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