Exploring the unexplored


Its the 21st century. Most of the scientists are working together to find a place in the universe which has suitable climate, conditions for human survival. Its quite good too, with conditions getting worse day by day on earth..Its really good to find a place which has better conditions. Spending millions of dollars ...Using human resources..to find  a  planet suitable for 'US'!

Dont think much about the paragraph above...i was merely being sarcastic. I don't know why all the space agencies are working on something so illogical. 'Humans never grow up' Thats what i have observed after all i have seen, heard, felt for the past 14 years of my life..

Why are we even trying to find a planet? So that we can destroy it too? Or we are too bored here? Its just like a toddler destroying the whole building of blocks he made and starts to cry because just he's BORED!. And those scientist are just like these toddlers. Never grow up ...

We shouldn't look forward to change the planet...but to change ourselves!..What are we doing? A cut always leaves a scar..no matter how much you try to cover it up..it won't just stop showing up. That is what is happening now-a-days. First we invent the 'Engine' then we make Automobiles, when they make pollution, we form organisations that have no worth. Then keep shouting 'Stop Pollution' Just because your house is getting flooded with water and you can't watch Simpsons on Star world. I tell you these organisations are merely puppets.

Now they are trying to explore water on nearby planets.Roflcopter! Just because they are foreseeing the near end of the Earth. Now they get back on the track..start to pee shiver in fear. They can play with the earth but not with the universe. Once the universe starts playing..then it gets real bad.
Earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis..might sound really bad on earth. But once you start to explore the universe you will find... BLACK HOLES, Stars Blasting and giving out energy million times than a nuclear bomb, Uneven atmosphere, Weird Stuff of all kind. Oh and how can we forget the undiscovered Aliens. =D

So my advice to all the research organisations is 'Please research on how to make the earth a better place, rather than researching on how to leave earth for a better place.'