Don't Judge them by their looks!
Shawrix | 11:08 pm | | 2 comments
Its enough now!
I am tired of being surprised again and again!
No! I won't do it again!
No! No ! No!
Lol! If you are thinkin what habit i am talking about then just read the title again.
Yeah i am tired of being surprised again and again by people who don't even look that they are so talented. Just Wow. I am 19 this year and have learned another lesson in this life!..This life teaches you alot you know =P.
As i do-not apply to anything till i experience it and practically understand it..So this is also coming from my personal experience.
There's a guy in my neighbourhood ..Seen him alot ...But i never talked to him...We were like unspoken friends we had seen each other so much but haven't spoken a word. Wearing Kurta pajama ( traditional dress) and looked in a hurry always.
Today..i met him through a friend of mine. We talked about things..and he said i am in a friend asked me for what? he said to study...I thought ( hmm might be studying in 12th)...He exams are going on. I thought ( hmm bba? mba?). I couldn't digest this suspense, So i finally asked him. He replied...Civil engineering. I thought (Wow?)...Manipal university ...(Fainted.)...
Well its not so surprising as you are reading it...but if you see that guy you will agree with me...Its so surprising. Just Wow.Just changed the whole prospective.
I still lack it!!!:O
Guru | 11:40 am | | 3 comments
"Duniya ka har malted drink, Boost, Bournvita, Horlicks, etc toone pee liye lekin abhi bhi tujhe calcium ki kami hai!!!". This is my mother's dialouge whenever I say I have pain in my back or neck....
Despite eating and drinking all kinds of milk stuff I still lack calcium in my body and doctor suggested me to eat as much Paneer*yummy*, drink as much milk as I can*yeehaa!*, and also to eat yoghurt *yuck*
I think there's no need to tell how much I love paneer and milk and how much I hate yoghurt....
So, as I am a food lover and doesn't care about calories when it comes to eating I think I am the one who should not lack calciums or vitamins. One can say when it comes to Amit or Saif...:P
Awesome Mausam
Feels great being here in India with temperature decreasing rapidly instead of increasing with a light snowfall in nearby areas and heavy rainfall. Well great to watch it for someone like me but if one asks the farmer they are all screwed up! They worked a lot at their farms for 2-3 months and now when their fields are ready and crops are all set to be harvested there is this rain and even snow fall. Most of the crops have been destroyed by the impact of it and still there seems no way out of it....
Even I got stuck in it yesterday when I went out on my bike, nice wind was blowing and clouds were just fabulous...Looking at the clouds I thought of going on a round to the nearby fields and went on going until I realized that I was far away from my home and light rain started....
In a hurry I turned around, hurried towards the house but it started getting even worse, Rain got even heavier and that too in the opposite direction of mine..Thank god I reached home before snowfall....
Got some videos too but they are HD and with the kind of internet I have in India I can expect it to be uploaded within 24 hours (only!).....
Btw my dog is fine and looking healthier then ever before.....:)
Ron Parker | 11:47 pm | | 4 comments
Well, well, well…thre seems that a lot of things have taken place during the time I was away for a bit, and now m back in Dubai so it’s time to check back in…
Sharq has asked someone to put up pics from India and I’m sure he won’t be disappointed after he sees wht I have in store…so here I go…
1. The daughter of one of the buffaloes we have at home…

Sharq has asked someone to put up pics from India and I’m sure he won’t be disappointed after he sees wht I have in store…so here I go…
1. The daughter of one of the buffaloes we have at home…
2. My aunt with the mother and the daughter…aren’t all of them beautiful?(notice the posing…awesome)

3. Our neighbour at her routine stuff…
3. Our neighbour at her routine stuff…
4. A normal view of the village street…just count the no. of animals…
5. A house marked as Below Poverty Line…though I don’t think he was a BPL…but anyways…
6. Now this is a BPL home…
BTW the walls here are made up of only cow dung and soil…amazing ! and they hold up for years…
7. Regular animals at every home literally…
8. The camel posing…
9. The camel again…possessing…(rather...possessed)
10. Well…No comments…
11. For the love of the nature…
12. The handsome OX…
I shall oblige with more amazing pictures in my next post so till then…bubye…and do let me know wht u thought about the pics…I have taken quiet a few risks taking them…
Laziness to the core
Guru | 3:25 pm | | 1 comments
Hailo! |-)
Hmm probably my last post before going India...lolzz (every time I come up saying similar things, but surely this time...:D). Don't pick any stuff in ur hand as this post has nothing in relation with me going to India or I should say it has only something(:D) this is even boring!..:PSo as the world cup is over and team India have conquered it (as if they have attacked their opposition and conquered there base!) well it was nothing less then that, every match was a kind of a war and now all of them are happy and all of us are happy too!, But still some have doubts over the trophy (if its duplicate Indians are surely gonna change the dimensions of Sharad powar's face. iski ***....:@)
Well I have nothing to do these days other then just sitting up in front of my *-) 14? I think 14. something inch screen,opening those 8 favorite sites again and again and uploading photos on Facebook and not to forget tagging them too!(the most difficult work), well when u have uploaded a picture you need to give the description too!(another difficult work) and last but not the least cleaning up my mail(mark all, deleted!...lolzz, most of the time..:P)
I haven't done my shopping yet and im going to India tomorrow!(Most of it..), going exactly after 8 months(oops! I forgot not to talk abt it)..
Well the main fact is that I have nothing to talk about, Following a fabulous routine these days.I Get up between 7 and 8, take bath and take breakfast till around 10 and then shitting * I mean sitting* with my laptop downloading movies and keeping them so that I don't get bored in India(Nt again!), I take lunch at around 1 (super heavy lunch) then again sit with my laptop commenting and chatting and listening some weired old songs(1940s or 50s), then again a chocolate or something to eat at arnd 3, then again maggi or something to eat at arnd 5 with juice, again a kind of a starter at 7 and then Dinner at 9 with something sweet after it, then milk at arnd 10:30 and go to bed(but not sleeping), I usually sleep by 12:30 or 1 or even 1:30 to the extreme and then hardly getting a sleep of 6-7 hours....
I'm a kind of person who at least needs more then 7 hours of sleep to keep my body active through out the day otherwise I tend to do nothing throughout the day other then day dreaming.....+0(
Whenever I don't have my laptop with me I have my new mobile, So I switch to my mobile learning different features and trying different applications just because I love to be in touch with it.....
Me signing off although I never signed in(password is save for all websites, feel boring putting pass. all the time).....|-)
*Mommiiiiiii! kuch khaane ko hai ghar pe???*
-Lazy Guru
Shawrix | 11:21 pm | | 2 comments
Wow...What a game of cricket...Just amazing ...Maza aagaya...
Just a pleasure to watch the batting bowling everything the game went through just breath taking...
and not to forget the lastball six by Dhoni Superb!!
Hail Sachin!
Yuvi getting emotional!
The support staff is Happeh! :D
Superb innings by this man!
Yuvi feeling the power of winnin after the match..
Celebration is ON!
2 words ...
India ROCKS!...What a way to reply to srilanka...Six on the winning ball! Take that!...But well played by lankans what bowling by Malinga...Lol...Sheer toe breaker...and not to forget ...Jayawardene :)..
Signing out!
Shawrix.( *runs wild*)
Completing a Milestone
Guru | 12:58 pm | | 1 comments
Hey sup bloggers!!!
As one of our friend and one of the best writer of this blog(Rajesh) is off for a week, So i thought of putting a post on his day...He's gone to India for 2 weeks to give his enterence exam for medical field, Wishing him best of luck.(Y)
Some tense moments before the start of the big final between India and Sri lanka, all are excited and Hoping for India to win it at their home in front of their home crowd, best of luck to team India too!!(Y)
*Hufff* Well had the most enjoyable,most entertaining and most breath taking week of my life...Picnic followed by a Roam around and film and 2 "not eating"(For a person like me who's addicted to eating stopped everything for a match...:P ) matches and now this big final starting in few hours....(yn)To start the week we had a picnic "the last but the best picnic ever", Something we "enjoyed to the core"(The dialogue I have been saying since last week...:P) as its effect can be still felt on my skin, my color is fading badly making me apply all sorts of fairness creams to overcome it,
Will upload some pictures if I could select some good ones...:P, Because most of them are not worth uploading.....:D
But right now I got a video to share, one of the many videos we took on that day.
Most probably this is my last post before going to India and i'm not sure of coming back, So guys gonna miss you a lot!!..:'(
Bye, TC!
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