So here am I after a
First of all I just hate being formal…(hate hate hate hate) ..and I hate the places that are linked to formality…it feels like I am in a closed vacuum container ….and I am struggling for air. Whenever my parents are going to some relative I usually avoid going…Because of F O R M A L I T Y …But sometimes I do get trapped and I am forced to go out wif my parents…on several occasion like Eid…iftar etc etc…and I am like ufff…ma for how many hours…2HRS!!! that’s like 2 years for me…But its not like that everytime…there are some relatives of mine whom I love going to!...
The most irritating part starts when the dinner is served!...’’Beta aaur leo aaur leo’’ (Son take more rice etc) …’’Aree yeh kya bas itna sa hi liya’’! (You took so less!!)…Like ill become Arnold Schewwasdfdsn….after eating this much. For once…let me eat peacefully…its like I have rented my stomach and my mouth when I go to such dinner’s…and don’t forget in the end..’’BAS KHA CHOKE’’?...

Talking of getting irritated…I dunno why people get irritated if you say the truth…well if you are fat your are fat…if you are bald you are bald…its just weird…why people don’t realize they are what they are.They fail to realize it by themselves… or maybe their brain fools them or something…and when you call them bald they go like What?! I aint bald…oh I am? WTH! This aint happening….
Same is the case with the people who make fun of em…Hey fatty!...and they laugh…okay its funny…but the person who is fat is like Yeah?...um…whats so funny…? But..yeah its funny ..sometimes though lol…there are some exceptions.
And whats with Black-white concept…You are black I am white …What the Heck….yeah you are black and you are white…so just shut the hell up …Why create a big fuss out of it?!....but some people target the race…that’s sad and its even more sad that people feel good after doing such things! *sigh*
PS: Beta booti to lii nahi!!! ( you didn’t take the chicken leg)

-Supporting Germany Officially
lmao..what was that shariq...lol "beta boti nahi li"?? hahaha. you are whining with this? when i go to people's house they don't know i'm sucha monster eater of food and always keep telling me to eat and eat and eat. when i START...u shud see their faces..lmao. no one tells me to take "take boti" i take enuf myself..lmao
nice tho..highly enetertaining :D
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