whats up world??

Guru | 10:12 am | | 2 comments
whats up world??
Shawrix | 9:04 pm | | 1 comments
Whats happening in the fifa world cup ?.. I means it just topsy turvy..ulta pulta! Whenever i sit to watch a match between a powerful team and amateurs the powerfull team instead of bullying get bullied like a 9 year old! This is so irritating!!!
First it happened with Spain...My second favourite team...switzerland beat them 1-0...It was very dissappointing for spanish fans because these people are the real creators of football! And when they lose to Such bacha teams then its really frustating!
Okay gone is history ...but then again france lost to mexico...2-0..-_-...well i hate france..so i loved it! :P..But still have to say after zidane the team is in some deep trouble.
But Then few days back...the day came when my fav team Germany played with Serbia...i was watching with full interest because i wanted to see some rockets flyin towards the serbian goal side. BUT THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Serbia scored against Germany..BUH! ...Just because the referee was also playing with serbia players...the referee gave out 9 cards total! and also a sent off...germany's center forward! Poor klose...
My pop always supports the weaker team and i support the stronger side as i get a evil kind of feeling inside me! I love to see the small teams get bullied around the whole football ground HAHAHAHHA! Ahem...so yeah ..but he's winnin all the bets...damn these small teams..
And you know the world cup's (adidas jabulani) official football is in more controversies that the players itself.The ball is of so damn low quality that the players are finding it miserable to play with.The handling of the ball is zero for the goalkeepers!
Brazilian striker Robinho stated, "for sure the guy who designed this ball never played football. But there is nothing we can do, we have to play with it."
Argentina striker Lionel Messi stated, "The ball is very complicated for the goalkeepers and for us [strikers]."
Brazil goalkeeper Júlio César compared it to a "supermarket" ball that favored strikers and worked against goalkeepers.
Tonight there's a match between Germany vs Ghana and Serbia vs
Australia...ill be watching both! ;)
Ron Parker | 11:41 pm | daughter, etc, friends, misunderstanding, parents, planet, son, world | 1 comments
"Ek aurat neeche khadi hai"(there is a women standing below) a person was asked to translate this into English and he said, "Missunderstanding!" This yesteryears joke is not what we are going to talk about, but what exactly misunderstanding can do to anyone. What role it plays in a person's life and in the society. A person could be found vulnerable to his own ideas. Many people fail to understand themselves completely. They fail to know what exactly their potential is. Both in the matter of underestimation and over. This is just a case of simple misunderstanding. If we look out beyond ourselves, there are a lot of other aspects where misunderstanding plays the part and rest just follows. A father and son slowly develop reasons to separate and finally face the dreaded moment. Two friends who share a strong bond might break it up because they failed to understand something. A student and a teacher might face the same. A word, a gesture or even a wrong expression could ruin your whole life. They are everywhere, in so many forms unimaginable, misunderstandings…are yet to be understood. So many thoughts, so many minds, and much greater is the number of people living(some fail to think, some have…well, no minds…another one of my misunderstandings), if 2 people can develop huge misunderstanding, think of them in the whole world. If the concept of probability is applied, infinity no. of combinations could end up. Not only they exist among humans but animals and even between non-living things and living ones. It depends on how a person assesses his surroundings, and reacts to a situation. A planet if misunderstood for a star could disturb the whole astronomy and concept of the universe that we might have. All in all, My aim was just to divert attention towards this very minute but effective topic. Avoiding misunderstanding is near to impossible but how you deal with them is where you become distinct from each other.
Shawrix | 11:44 pm | | 1 comments
Ron Parker | 8:52 pm | | 3 comments
Continuation... I never completed the homework given in the class(for some weird reason) and wouldn't do it the whole year. And the teachers would punish me every day for not doing so(though all liked me) and Believe me, I have had some of the worst punishment sessions anyone can ever imagine of. Slaps, kicks and even boxes against the wall. The girls would sit in the front row and cry seeing me get beaten up so bad, which would make me cry even more. After the teacher was done. I would sit back and cry more. The wet eyed girls would come and say, "Do you want me to complete it for you?" And my reply was no, it's my business and I will handle it. Now this girl called Kirti, whom I liked, missed a few classes and couldn't complete the notebook. But the surprising part was, she didn't complete it for many classes, "I can't understand anyone's handwriting and you don't complete it. So how to do it.?" She told me on asking. The next day I brought one of my notebooks completed! Gave it to her, she completed it and came to my home for returning it. Now that became a habit, she would purposely(I still think) not complete the notebook and ask me to complete it and bring it for her. And I would do it pleasurably. We used to play a game during recess, which involved me and 2 of my friends plus all the girls. 12 people in the school during recess used to play a weird game. Hide and seek with a difference. We boys would hide anywhere in the school and the girls would seek us. 30 minutes was the deadline. If they fail, one of the girl brings the next day's lunch for the boys. If they succeed, I complete one of the girl's notebooks. Only I, coz I had a good handwriting back then, not now though. Then I got rid of my bicycle coz the girls used to go in the bus, Joined the school bus. And I would enter the bus the last and find a place reserved for me, Near Kirti. She would keep it for me always. Didn't allow any of her friends too to sit. One day, the bus got damaged and we had to get down half way through. Since Me and Kirti didn't live far apart, we got down and started walking together. That day, for some reason, the paths were very calm, felt like everyone had vanished! After walking a fair distance, all quite without a word being uttered from both the mouths. She suddenly caught my hand. I had shivers sent up my spine and clutched her hand back. The whole way we walked without our hands leaving and tight lipped with no eye connection what so ever coz I was a shy kid and couldn't gather strength to do so. A year had gone by in all this and I was 10. She came home, Gave me an invitation card...Hand written by her. It was her birthday, the next day. All the classmates were invited. That's the first time I had seen a cake in my life...always heard about it but never actually seen it. She got ready to cut it. And all gathered around her. Her father asked her to give the first piece to someone very special. She rightly gave it to her father. He had it and said, "no, not me among your class mates." She looked around and found me, came slowly and gave to me in my mouth. Ahh...That is among the most romantic moments of my life and will always be. I have written it all today because she was born on 13th of June. And the day is tomorrow. I completely dedicate the post to her and my first feelings of attraction...
Ron Parker | 8:42 pm | | 1 comments
Namastey! Yusuf's last post was well written and reminded me of my days in India. Though I wasn't ragged. The days were too young to be thinking about ragging. This post tells about when and how the feeling for the opposite sex developed in me. The incidents and things that took place which I will always remember, including my first crush. I was about 9 year old at the time. The town was Fatehpur Shekhawati, Rajasthan, India. I had been studying in this school from when it was built, and I was the third admission in the school in KG. The School is called...Seth Hanuman Prasad Dhanuka Adarsh Vidya Mandir. Since I was among the earliest of admissions, the school was literally like my second home. I had seen everyone join in, from 3 people to 800 in about 6 years. The teachers were nice to me, the sweepers, security, the bell guy...all knew me like they would to their son. I also used to play the dholak(an Indian musical instrument like both the sides of table joined end to end) in the assembly everyday during the prayer. Always felt special in the school. All this kept me in the limelight among the students big or small(girls big or small u could say). Now until I was 8, never knew about the attraction between a girl and a boy but slowly started feeling it. I had 9 girls in my class and 16 boys. All the nine girls suddenly started talking with a smile and a blush. And I started doing the same. The environment of the class was all of a sudden very different. Everyone had butterflies in the stomach the whole day. And after the school when I would leave on my Bike, my eyes would meet with other girls on the way and I would return home all happy! I didn't know but I was slowly growing up and so were all my classmates. Now because I was recognized all over the school, I started having girls around me all the time. We would all eat together, the whole school, and I started seeing more and more girls accompanying me to lunch. I didn't complain. Why would I? I liked it all. Developed special liking for one particular girl. Kirti is her name. I have never seen anything more beautiful than her. There might be girls whom the world considers extra ordinary but because she was the first one to strike the chords of my heart, she'll always maintain a special place in here. But there were other girls too, Nilima, Surbhi, Parul, Pooja, Krishna, Mahi etc. I enjoyed being with them too. All were nice girls. We had our history class in which the teacher always asked some or the other questions from the book. He used to start it from the front row and move back slowly if they didn't know the answer. The one who knew the answers got to slap everyone who didn't know it. Since the girls used to sit in the front and I was the last person. I frequently got this opportunity to slap the whole class. I off course used to slap the boys hard but the girls would get them light. There was another rule, If the punisher slaps lightly, he or she would be slapped back by the same person. And guess what?...I would always get it back from the girls! Once when Kirti was given the chance, she came to slap me and did it very lightly, I was asked to slap back and I did the same. We slapped each other 2 more times but no use. The teacher then slapped both of us very hard bu there seemed to be no signs of regret. continued...
yusuf khan | 8:20 pm | | 2 comments
Hay ya..
Shawrix | 11:16 pm | | 1 comments
Kefal hal? Anta zain ana maloom!
We all love ©elebrities dont we? ..when we are asked why....it maybe because of the looks..their style..fashion...popularity...music..etc etc.But what kind of love is this?..The actual defination of love is that two people should meet and interact with each other some or other way to get some kind of connection.Then how do we start loving and getting mad to meet the stars?...Its simple..Their work speaks for itself.ITs their work that tells us that they are some awesome people, who have loads of money and style, talent etc.After getting to know all this we become crazy about them and we try our best to meet or interact with these stars.
The stars are like horses used in horse racing.Till they are well and fit for the film industry, they are well
pampered over there.But once they get injured or lose their popularity they are thrown out.Its all about
maintaining yourself, just like showpieces.
Stars = showpieces!
I also happen to love many celebrities...numerous of them! but i had never experienced talking to any one of them.
Once upon a time i read on fb that aamir khan was coming on fb for a online video chat...to promote his film.I was not excited at all, but i kept the date he was coming in mind.As the day came when he had to come online... i forgot about it..but as i went to fb i quickly recalled and went to the site, just to end my curiosity...nah as i said i was'nt all that excited like a big fan! OMG HES COMING! Nope not at all.But i was doing absolutely nothing..gettin bored so i felt like watchin the video chat.
He was actually online..i was busy observing him..he was talking to people through their text...so i thought
of chatting with him too...But everything isn't that easy...there were 2 lakh people online and the messages were going with the speed of light.As he kept talking to people..i became really frustated...aur phir panga hogaya.
Now it was more of a zidd(stubborn behaiviour) by my side.I went there to just watch it peacefully and became jealous as he was talking to other people but..neglecting me!.
The funnier side was...my father said pay no attention to it its recorded! My sister was still not intrested..
and there was this guy tipu who's tota(parrot) had died and he was announcing that on the chat...and aamir responded n a funny manner.
I was still determined...as only 15mins were left...i tried typing everything which would have gotten his attention.. but alas..nothing worked...i left the chair irritated...and back to square zero...then my sister came..to me and said wait ill tell you what to type...she told me many things...but worthless.(so much to get noticed..it was more of a panga with others).Then i got angry and typed ''U look FAT'' and left the seat blabbering #@!#!Then my sister.. said hey he's replying to what you said...i said WhaT?!...are you sure? She said Yes..!
I was so happy..but couldn't understand the reason of it...well i think it was because he mentioned my name...when so many people were spamming the chat...just to talk to him!..here's the video of my part...(Found it online somehow)
PS: There was a guy who was spamming ...TAKE MY NAME! TAKE MY NAME!..hahaha
Shariq (All is well)
Guru | 1:48 am | | 3 comments
June 8 is the date on which we will celebrate the birthday of our mate……….
This 1 for our special friend Raj (laakhon post duniya k liye magar yeh post tere liye…. Like salman khan in heroes). His last teen year as he became 19 today. So it’s a celebration time…..but the party is later in July due to some reasons that no 1 knows……so u all are welcome…..
I still remember when he joined the school…. A small 11 year old boy looking really cool calm and charming always ready to help and always wants his friends to be happy
I learnt a lot from him as he was the one who taught me a lot of moral values and also helped me in studies…..
So wishing him once again a very happy birthday…..and here are some of the lines that I composed for him on this special occasion………
A song fr u...."College de wich padh de aan mauj mastiyan karde aan saanu naa koi kuch vi kahe"……
Ron Parker | 6:52 pm | all, everybody, help, humans, ME, selfish, you | 1 comments
Hi, I am human. I am selfish. I will do nothing for you, if you feel I am doing it...It's because I feel good after doing it. So it is my selfishness that is making me do it. I do nothing for anybody but expect everybody to do everything for me. If I do any good deed, It is because I want a place in Heaven, It has nothing to do with anything else. If I say I love you and I care for you...because I really Love you and want you to be MINE for ever.... I care for you, Because now you belong to ME...and anything that I own should not be scratched or damaged...If you leave me, I call you names, I call you a Traitor and will sacrifice my whole life to someday see you left the same way...sometimes I even act like I am sacrificing MY love...that is because I want to look good among people...in the eyes of my loved one or even sometimes I feel what would god think about ME? I like to keep a good Reputation of MYSELF anywhere I go. If I call you my friend...That is because I get happy Every time I see you...or when I talk to you...I get entertained...but when you start boring ME...I leave you...I find new people who can entertain ME... I might sometimes die doing something for MY country, MY parents, MY friends or MY religion etc...but that is to make sure I receive Heaven and remain ahead of you all. I like to compete for everything...but more that that I like to win...If I lose, I will consolidate MYSELF by saying, " MY day will come" because If I don't...I lose confidence...and I will start feeling bad...I don't like that...and the day when I win...I want to you to feel bad...to feel lost, to feel out of confidence and stay stranded, because you made ME feel bad someday...because I like revenge. I say you are my brother or sister...even you don't do any good to me and also don't entertain ME, you hurt ME too...because If I don't...What will the people think of ME?...I will have no reputation in the eyes of MY parents but most importantly in the society...I will lose many opportunities...people might stop helping me...especially yours and mine parents... Sometimes I do things for you without conditions...but there is always a hidden reason behind it all...I also want you to do something for me in return some day or the other...Even if you think we might never meet...I always hope that we meet someday, and at the place where I am stranded and need help...and you are reminded of the past help I did...If you refuse to help...I curse you...If you feel I am not...Think again...I will leave it to God and make sure he will punish you someday... But there are exceptions...Sometimes I am a mother, a father...I try my best to remain Selfish...But can't...sometimes I become damaged...I go mad and lose MY selfishness...But because all the selfish around ME think I become dangerous for them...So they Capture ME and live happily in their Selfish world... I am telling you all this because I want you to appreciate MY thinking and like ME even more so that anything good or bad I write in future is read by you so for that reason alone...I will say sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Guru | 11:21 pm | | 2 comments
A very good evening, morning or afternoon,depending on the time you read at to all my frnds or i must say brothers and there sisters.........As my brother Raj wrote something random.....It was a good post(although i am still trying to understand what it was.....).....But I suddenly got inspired of it and thought about actin random.........Also because i dont want Raj to take this award simply.....so there should be some nominations or someone to give him a fight for this award.
Shawrix | 11:32 pm | bad, earth, girls, human trafficking, mad, people, tarts, Women, world | 1 comments
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