Hola Aminos or amigos…aah!! Darn chemistry!
Long time han?...*stretches and breaks a bone*(after returning from the doc)…let’s kick it…
All right so, everybody has these random thoughts at some point of time (some people always! Like L…)…but I wouldn’t call my thoughts completely random. Let’s say I start thinking on stuff in an organized manner. So our Finals finished a little while ago and during the holidays given to study for the particular exam, I start thinking on stuff completely unrelated but somehow related…wait, let me elaborate!
So I was studying Bio just before it’s exam and I come across these blood groups…A,B,O,AB etc…no problems…and I continue on…I find another grouping based on blood, i.e. Rh positive and Rh negative.
Now this sparked a thought…all of the humans are divided into 4 different categories and 2 furthermore based on only blood, what else are the bases of our division if we sit down to count? Hmm…let’s see – Gender or sex(oooo…!!!), Religion, Country, Continents, Rich-poor, Race(even hair color…like blondes), cultures, Languages, Literacy, Height, IQ, Disability, Disease, based on habits – Introvert – Extrovert, you play Football, Cricket or hockey etc, and Star sign!...Phew! and this is just the trailer if you start going deeper…you may notice, calm or aggressive or funny or moody and stuff but we don’t want to get there.

And my thinking doesn’t stop here(bloody Aristotle!)…now since I devised Star sign into the equation…I start thinking upon it’s truthfulness which leads me to Numerology and palmistry…are they true?...can people tell you about your future and die themselves in an accident?...hmm…
Now this is something very RJ stuff…you’ll know after finishing to read this how weirdly I can think!...They call it a science…fine!...and so do they calculate some things on their charts or calendars or even fingers, what could it be?...could it really be related to what we know as science?...everything is made up of atoms, and living things of cells and the pressure difference keeps them alive!...Chem, Bio and physics!( I might bore you a little bit here) The gravitational force of the planets might be acting upon you individually coz everything in the universe attracts the other somehow! This might be forcing your brain cells to have a change in their chemical concentration and similarly the concentration of the neurons of people and animals living all over…hence causing a change in the thoughts in a particular order and maybe the lines on your palm in a certain pattern! Which might lead to how you are going to be in future? I know it sounds very childish but think about it, maybe they derived a formula to calculate all the stuff approximately! WOW!!

But hold on…this is only what I think, I don’t know how it happens or whether anything even happens and I really want to know about this science. If anyone has better ideas about this(sure!!)…let me know on ‘waiting4you_143_thedevil@yahoo.co.in’...haha! Just kidding, that’s not my ID…just thinking how random people can be. You can leave your comment if you want to say anything in reply!
dont knw why ppls create divisions btween each other...oh cmon!!there r more than 6.6 billion ppls on earth..and i think everyone's a human.....
cming to palmistry...i dont trust it at all...bcoz if i'll trust it the u ppl will nt trust me.....lol
nice post btw and nice to see u back....
bt stiil waiting fr somethin frm "boy next door" and "masti" dont knw wheather they amongst those 6.69 billions or not..........
k..first of all im honoured to be in the random crowd(in guessing the L..was me?
kk now geting to the point..i dont think that the lines formed by the random bending of my hand has anything to do with my future. That seemed alot like my chemistry class and high school physics class! and btw according ot that diagram, i must have a really short life span(if this all is true) because my life line is in two series. so unless im going to miraculously die and get sucked back to life half way through death..no chance!..lol..well written tho
I cut jur hand and u no get marriage!!! xP
This is what mr bean had to say!
No, I dont believe in any kind of superstition stuff that people have created so that they could pass there time! Well there are lines on my feet too.!! Why dont they get a formula for that? :{
Its like killin boredom ..thats it...And if some stars that are millions of light years away could influence my life that i think aliens also have a good chance to land on our planet!
yeehe!! hilarous and funny post, on the worst subject of this world "PALMISTRY"....I just hate this subject..... anyways as said before lovely post and yes, guru, im NOT AMONG 6.69 billion.
ok now.. acording to this randomness "i bloody hell have no fate!" lol.. yah thats what my palm had to say.. but i got a big heart line..
anyway.. good but i had to rethink on what mr. mahmood had to say about these things..
and ya sorry i missed my turn.. anyway ill take someones turn very soon..
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