Aata Singh?

It was our first year and we somehow managed to get through the first semester. We had a new applied physics lecturer from Dehradun and we were not that happy. After all the time we got for canteen and roaming around the MAJU campus was now sabotaged by someone who will fill our minds with Schrodinger and many other related derivations. It was a big setback for our branch. In the starting we were told by him to write the attendence on a sheet and give him afterwards. We did so. But when the sheet came to me, i looked at my bench mates in a devilish manner and came up with an idea to write something most awkard. My friends told me to write something feminish. But i came up with a more moderate option..its was rather foolish.

I wrote Aata Singh [I am this random] on the sheet, leaving some spaces and changed the font[as i had the worst writing anyone could catch me]. Days passed, One day he entered the lecture hall, kept his attendence register on the podium and started the attendence with Aata Singh[Flour Singh], the room remained silent. He soon realized he was pranked. The Bench i was sitting on bursted out in laughter. We hid our faces and laughed hell as the room was silent it was pretty tough to control our laughter.

Not that funny but Aata singh was very awkard.


Ron Parker said...

Lol...I would have known it was you...u were the same throughout.

Anonymous said...

I am so trying that on my macroecon prof...pair that with a british accent !