The Poor Post

Hellos and high fives...

Are you a victim of poor jokes? Do you have a friend who can never produce a good sensible joke? Does he/she makes you want to kill them? If so...then come to me...I shall council you for your sense of humor!

Believe me, you need it. There are so many bad jokes that you must have laughed out loud and yet, complained! I mean...c'on! Jokes are rated by the no., duration and intensity of laugh they receive. If a statement manages that, no matter how nonsense, illogical, or unrelated, it is as good a joke as there are. So, next time, only say PJ if you are ordering more than one pizza in India.

Plus not to forget the benefits, the amount of brainwork it needs to produce such jokes is far more than known, it's a good exercise of the brain and it helps a lot in studies too. These illogical and absurd relationships can make us(pj people) remember so much of our academic stuff using this, that without notice, we end up studying less and remembering more.

Even the people responsible for nomenclature of stuff had the same brain, I sometimes feel, because so called people with refined sense of humor, would never have thought that we could have a hammerhead shark or a dog called bulldog. Though, I am still confused as to how the word pussy came to be for cats and then it sort of transferred, anyways...Think of a panel of scientists sitting together and saying, "ok, this sample of urine has more than 2% protein present, what should we call it?" And I believe only a guy with PJ brain could have said,"Proteinuria, may be". Thank god they agreed, otherwise we would have had a name like 'hyperbisaminouretralfluideria'.

I think I have pretty much made my point here and if not, then, read again with a dictionary in hand. This post is dedicated especially to Paji and to people who thought my life is not worth living, I have a blog to write posts for, losers! Ha!

PS : I was first introduced to this PJ phrase when I made my first hotmail ID and this first girl whom I added kept repeating it to me on my first chat and I thought it was some sort of compliment until google took my blush away.


shubchintak said...

And this made me laugh as well..just like rest of your jokes ;)

mustafa said...

Haha baadey joke shoke bolraha hai! Nice post and oye who said your life is not worth living?
Ps: Went to the school, sunirlal is still scratching his ear!

Anonymous said...

and the best part about your jokes are that u urself is somuch into it that you start laughing before another one collects all the info and then realize and finally laugh,....
alwalys a pj king,...